BattleBlock Theater FF Unlock: Toast

FeaturePost_ToastAre you toast? Not yet you aren’t! You’ll need to complete the newest Solo and Co-Op Furbottom’s Features (FF) to get this special limited time unlock!

That’s right! It’s bye bye Winston & Donuts, hello crunchy on the outside bread. For these next two weeks, you’ll need to complete one of the two Furbottom’s Features, solo or co-op, to unlock this special prisoner. Go to the Furbottom’s Features section of the BattleBlock Theater website to read more on the newly featured playlists.

For those of you who didn’t catch Winston, Donuts, Furbottom, etc., the prisoners will be going back into the vault (poor things are trapped in a prison within a prison) but they’ll be back someday for another visit to the outside world. Just stick around and keep following our blog, Facebook pages or Twitter to find out the unlocks!


Play w/ the Devs – BBT LIVE Streaming

>>EDIT 3: Thanks to everyone who came out to play or watch our first live Twitch stream! Missed the live stream? Check out the recording HERE!<<

>>EDIT 2: If you want to play with the Devs during the live stream, look for games they host under the gamertags “Mr H Hattington” and “Mr P Furbottom” but please do not send party invites or messages during the stream. Thanks! Oh and the video below will display when live stream goes up!<<

>>EDIT 1: We’ve updated our Twitch.TV Channel so please be sure to follow us at Twitch.TV/TheBehemoth<<


So, you’ve played with the rest, now play with… well, some of the guys and gals who helped make BattleBlock Theater! That’s right, it’s time again to jump online and beat us at our own game.

We’ll be doing an hour of arena gameplay in the most recent Arena Features and playing The Behemoth versus Everybody Else, 2v2! Are you Somebody Else? Are your preparations properly prepped??

We recommend thumb squats.

Or, if you’d prefer to watch as we get pummeled by tiny digital fists, you can also join us at Twitch.TV and take part in the magic that is LIVE STREAMING. Toss us a few questions and comments while you’re at it- the following Behemians will be rumbling and/or chatting from 3:30-4:30 PST, Thursday:


Ian, Production Mogul
Aaron, Level Luminary
Eric, Ambassador to the Arts
(Rumblers will take turns in teams)


Dan, Fearless Leader
Emil, Master of Ceremonies
Megan, Community Captain
Lindsay, Prophet of Playability
Ryan, Level Laureate
Anna, Plushsmith

Join us on our very first LIVE stream of BattleBlock Theater – Play with the Devs! Follow our Twitch.TV channel here!