Next Official BBT Closed Beta Contest: Joystiq

If you missed the first contest we had on PlayXBLA‘s live stream of Castle Crashers, then you’ve made us into very sad chickens. We missed you! And you missed the ton of fun we had doing trivia questions and answering fan questions! You can, however, check out the video HERE.

You can make up the lost time to us though and we’ll be SUPER happy chickens again if you check out the SUPER Joystiq Podcast!

Our next official contest for the BattleBlock Theater Closed Beta will be held on Joystiq’s live recording of Super Joystiq Podcast! They’ll be live for about an hour starting from 2:30PM EST, so 11:30AM PST for the folks over on the west coast. As an official contest holder, Joystiq will be giving out a number of guaranteed beta spots for the upcoming BattleBlock Theater Closed Beta.

Please remember to check out the official info, including prerequisites and required reading, because you’ll need to know all that good stuff even if you win the BBT Beta code! Of course, we will need you to be registered on the Beta Registration Form. The process is the same, but you will be guaranteed a spot! No need to compete to be one of the 10,000 selected participants. ;)

Participants are eligible for only one guaranteed beta spot from any official contest. For example, if you already won a beta code from the PlayXBLA contest then you are no longer eligible to win any additional contests.