Thank you to everyone who read along with our live blog and kept up with our photo album during PAX West 2024! The show has come to a close, the chickens have flocked back to their coop in California, and their chicken hearts are filled with love and appreciation for every person who stopped by our booth.
If you missed it, check out our live recap blog of PAX West below, starting from the bottom of the page upwards!
Opening Post • August 30 2024
Welcome to another PAX West with The Behemoth! After exhibiting at a plethora of shows over the past 21 years, this time we wanted a way to share the fun along with you at home, so feast your eyes on The Behemoth’s PAX West 2024 Live Blog!! Below, you can jump beak-first into the chicken action we’re documenting for you in real-time, all the way from Seattle! From our kickoff contest on Friday with Back off Barbarian to Patric Catani’s in-booth live performance on Saturday to another chance for players to ‘Beat a Dev Chicken’ at our own game on Monday, there’s sure to be something to interest your eyeballs.
So buckle your pants, replenish your sandwich + potion supply, and warm up those vocal cords for a good BAPI BAPI BA, because it’s TIME!

The merch has been purchased, the games have been played, the memories have been made, and the hall has been emptied. PAX West 2024 has officially come to a close! Thank you to every single person who came by our booth during the show and said hi, played our games, bought our merch, or just wandered on through! Each of YOU are the reason We Make Games. Tradeshows have always been a pillar of The Behemoth and it always feels so right being in the middle of them, and it’s always a bummer when the fun has to end! We hope you enjoyed this read-along blog for those of you unable to travel to Seattle and attend PAX.
Signing off for the last time,
The Behemoth 🫡
What a long, awesome journey it’s been–PAX West 2024 is now 100% COMPLETE!
From all of us here at The Behemoth, a Big Chicken thanks to all who visited us at our booth! We’ll see you at the next one 😊 pic.twitter.com/jrSNNH5nRz
— The Behemoth 👽🔜 PAXWest (@thebehemoth) September 3, 2024
FIFTY-SEVEN MINUTES REMAINING I REPEAT—-fifty-seven minutes remaining in PAX West 2024!
Congratulations to our final winner of our PAX West #BuckleYourPAX photo contest! Everybody raise your swords for grey knight :crossed_swords: https://t.co/pSDUHdftQ2
— The Behemoth :alien::soon: PAXWest (@thebehemoth) September 2, 2024
Mike “The Bearded Chicken” Welsh remains undefeated in his Alien Hominid HD Chicken Suit glory. If you followed along at PAX East 2024, we ended up awarding every contestant that went up against Mike an Alien Hominid YouTooz figurine from our limited run last year. And we did it again this time! Big Chicken Thanks and a ruffle of your head-feathers for attempting to go up against Mike, who is very good at Alien Hominid HD. It was no easy task, and you all tried your best, just shut up and do better next time! (Just kidding, we love you all!)

4:17 PM
Here we can see the Behemoth employees thriving in their natural habitat, playing games, during the secret post-contest staff exhibition match:
3:33 PM
AmericanDreamTV spotted filming Beat a Dev Chicken! WE’VE MADE IT…
Chicken fact of the day: chickens have amazing memories! They can recognize and remember hundreds of faces, even after not seeing them for a long time. Go give your favorite chicken a handful of mealworms…just a little, as a treat.
Second chicken fact of the day: Mike “The Bearded Chicken” Welsh is one of the most formidable chickens around. Having worked on developing Ruffl and saving Flash from obsolescence, The Bearded Chicken is ready to 1v1 you in Alien Hominid HD! Can you Beat a Dev Chicken? Because that’s coming up at 3:00PM! And remember…a chicken doesn’t forget a face.
The Behemoth chicken had fun at PAX West playing games, making friends, and TEACHING ‘EM HOW TO DANCE!
Bring out the dancing chickens!! pic.twitter.com/jNX67LqLv8— The Behemoth 👽🔜 PAXWest (@thebehemoth) September 2, 2024
We have OFFICIALLY sold out of Patric Catani’s Video Game Music vinyl album! If you want to secure one of them for your own (these bad boys can fit so many banger tracks onto them), you’re going to have to check out our merch store after it re-opens post-PAX!

There they go, they all flew the coop! The bucket hats are gone, but not before the final bucket hat was bestowed to the ‘grey-test’ knight around….THE GREY KNIGHT!

IT HAS BEGUN!!! Bucket hats flying by!
It’s the final chance to get a free Behemoth bucket hat! The line is forming now…
Our Cat Guard is reporting for duty to take YOUR photos at our Cat Guard Statue! Look at how glorious!
PAX West is 75% over 😿 (there’s no sad chicken emoji)
But we have EIGHT MORE HOURS to celebrate everything PAX!
🥚10AM – 1PM: Sign-ups accepted for our Beat a Dev Chicken at AHHD Challenge at 3PM!
🥚10AM: Our final daily #BuckleYourPAX Cat Guard Photo Contest and Newsletter Raffle begins!
🥚3PM: Beat a Dev Chicken commences (good luck!)
🥚4PM: Cutoff for entries to our #BuckleYourPAX Cat Guard Photo Contest and Newsletter Raffle
🥚6PM: The End.
🥚All Day: High-fives, good vibes, fun games, happy chickens.
The chickens are waking up for their final day of PAX West! The team has worked so hard all days of the show and beyond–setting up the booth, being unleashed upon the expo hall, and the eventual tearing down of the booth that will soon commence (sad chicken noises)!
Happy Chickens come from The Behemoth…even if there were days they may have felt like this waking up. All worth it to get to see YOU and bring our games to YOU!
(I know, I know…he’s not a chicken, he’s a duck.)

Goodnight, good luck, and have fun to all PAX West attendees (and anyone following along at home…yes you, hello!) as we draw to a close the third day of the show. We look forward to seeing you bright eyed and bushy tail feathered tomorrow AM for some Dev Chicken VS Human gaming during our ‘Beat a Dev Chicken’ competition at 3PM! Come battle against Mike “The Bearded Chicken” Welsh and see if YOU can leave knowing that you bested the devs at their own game.
Seven more minutes before the end of the penultimate day of PAX West 2024! Tomorrow can’t really be the end, can it?!
The winners keep comin’ and they don’t stop comin’…
Our Day 3 Winner of our #BuckleYourPAX Cat Guard Photo Contest is HERE!!! 😂
Oh frabjous day, we have our winners!! Team “Prince” has claimed Ball Game victory over all the other
Congratulations! You win your freedom from Furbottom’s Theater our prized shiny Hatty Hattington trophies and prize pack containing oodles of goodles!
We have narrowed it down to our two finalists for our BattleBlock Tournament! THE ANTICIPATION! THE EXCITEMENT! IT’S ALL TOO MUCH! Stay tuned to find out who got to go “BOOOOOOOM SHAKALAKA!!!!!”
The lovely Hatty Hattington cosplayer that won our #BuckleYourPAX contest yesterday came back today to claim their prize…in equally as awesome drip! We love it, and Hot Cheetos, and love how creative and talented you all are, not going to apologize for the cheeeeeesiness because The Behemoth ❤️’s you!
(get it? Cheesiness? Cheetos?!)

And the first team is up! We have a total of eight teams comprised of two players each, competing through the tournament bracket-style until only TWO remain…and after that? One winning team will go home with our incredibly prized Hatty Hattington Trophies! And our second place team will not leave empty handed, no way–we know how tough competing in tourneys like this can be!
Our BattleBlock Theater Ball Game Arena Tournament is about to begin!
WE’RE READY after our warmup shouting.
THE SIGNING HAS COMMENCED. Our Other Fearless Leader is here at Booth 1501 to doodle your favorite Behemoth character on SOMETHING of yours!
Sunday September 1 • 2:41 PM
We had an amazing turnout! Thank you to all who showed up!
The queue for Dan’s final day of autographs has begun!
All team slots for our BattleBlock Theater Ball Game Tournament at 3PM is FULL! A Behemoth Birdie told me we are taking standby signups only🏀🏃
We brought a good wingful of them to PAX West, but we will be selling them in our online merch store once PAX West concludes and we re-open our shop!
Check out our recap video of Patric Catani’s in-booth performance from yesterday:
Intergalactic beats and tunes funneled straight into your ears by @PatricCatani at our PAX West Booth! pic.twitter.com/roO8a7QPx0— The Behemoth 👽🔜 PAXWest (@thebehemoth) September 1, 2024
Our first-day email newsletter signup winner hath returned to the coop to claim their glorious four set of our new Knight Plushies! Go forth and conquer with squishiness and good vibes! 🌈🍭

Even Vault Dwellers stock up on our merch before heading out to the wasteland!
Our Fearless Leader and Dev Chicken were slinging hats as fast as their wings would let them! Nice job
Five minutes until bucket hat drop!


RED KNIGHT SPOTTED…Red Knight my beloved!


Cosplayers have infiltrated the booth!
It’s the dawn of the third day of PAX West 2024, and officially September! (chicken gasp)
🥚10AM – 1PM: Sign-ups accepted for our BattleBlock Theater Ball Game Team Tournament
🥚10AM: Our #BuckleYourPAX Cat Guard Photo Contest and Newsletter Raffle begins!
🥚 2PM: Dan Paladin signs autographs for the last time during PAX West!
🥚3PM: The BattleBlock Theater Tournament shall commence
🥚4PM: Cutoff for entries to our #BuckleYourPAX Cat Guard Photo Contest and Newsletter Raffle
🥚6PM: The chickens close the booth and get to settle into the coop for the last nap of PAX West
🥚All Day: General awesomeness, arcade cabinet gaming, marvelous merch being sold, chicken wings
It’s Day 3 of PAX West so here are three things we are grateful for:
🥚you + chicken feed + indie gamesVisit us at Booth 1501 for some BattleBlock Theater Ball Game Tournament action at 3pm! Sign-ups from 10am – 1pm, standbys welcome! pic.twitter.com/9DxXmnw9dX
— The Behemoth 👽🔜 PAXWest (@thebehemoth) September 1, 2024
How much chicken scratch could a Behemoth chicken scratch, if a Behemoth chicken could scratch scratch?
Say that 10 times fast for your morning PAX conversation warm-up!!!

B’GAWK! PAX West 2024 is now 50% complete! Booth 1501 is in the process of wrangling all the chickens into the coop for the night (have you ever had to wrangle chickens? It’s actually quite interesting…)
We’ll be bawk at it at 10:00AM tomorrow, ta-ta for now!
29 more minutes in the expo hall! COME GET YOUR FUNKY CHICKEN DANCE ON AT BOOTH 1501 before the chickens turn back into pumpkins at the end of the night!
Our silent hero, our watchful overlord, best friend to one and all — Hatty Hattington has won Day 2 of our #BuckleYourPAX photo contest! (Submitted on Twitter by the talented @OranceJuice!)
Presenting the winner of our Alien Hominid Invasion Solo Bonus Challenge! They definitely Killed-It-For-Mama!
They completed ALL FIVE WAVES of the bonus stage and therefore got the highest score out of all contestants! You get an A++ from your Mothership, and have earned a break in the Sewer Kids Hideout (if you can find it). Enjoy your shiny trophy and prize pack and remember, Mothership love you most!
Also presenting, our Very Important Runner Up! Because every alien needs a player two and THIS talented alien enters our contests at all the PAX shows they can attend! ♡ Congratulations!!!! Cherish the trophy forever!
And our Alien Hominid Invasion Bonus Challenge is LIVE! Contestants need to not get distracted by the shiny Alien and Agent in order to take it home! GO GO GO
Hot off the heels of Patric’s in-booth live performance we have our ALIEN HOMINID INVASION SOLO BONUS CHALLENGE coming up at 3:00PM! At our adjacent setup, Booth 1500, contestants will have to fight to survive in an intense Bonus level in Alien Hominid Invasion. If they happen to beat all five waves, the player with the highest score will be bringing home a fancy Alien Hominid Invasion trophy and Behemoth prize pack! GET READY TO MUTATE FOR MAYHEM and make your Mothership proud!
Patric Catani is preparing to unleash his musical talents during an in-booth live performance at 2:00PM! Stop by Booth 1500 (right next to our main Booth 1501!) and jam along to tracks from BattleBlock Theater, Alien Hominid Invasion, and Pit People! A Behemoth Birdie told me you might even be able to get Dan Paladin’s autograph around the same time…
WHAT IS DAN DRAWING?! Awesome things, that’s what! Dan Paladin, our Art Director, co-founder, and overall talented fellow is signing autographs at our booth (1501 in case you forgot!) during PAX West! Dan is signing today and tomorrow at 2PM, so make sure you stop by to get a custom drawn Behemoth critter of your choosing!
What is Dan drawing?!
Dan Paladin is our Art Director, co-founder Chicken, and Autograph Extraordinaire! pic.twitter.com/pcqpIksCkR
— The Behemoth 👽🔜 PAXWest (@thebehemoth) August 31, 2024
HATTY HATTINGTON HIMSELF stopped by our booth to strike a pose 😭
The line for our FREE bucket hat giveaway is forming!

We truly do have the coolest fans!
Some familiar foes graced us with their presence! pic.twitter.com/QV3FiBoQl2
— The Behemoth 👽🔜 PAXWest (@thebehemoth) August 31, 2024
Come participate in the Cat Guard Photo Contest, running from 10am to 4pm each day of PAX West!
Visit us at Booth 1501, have our Cat Guard Photo Attendant snap a photo of you with our Cat Guard Statue, upload said photo to either Twitter or Instagram (+ follow us so we can DM you!), with the hashtag #BuckleYourPax (heheheh) and WAIT to hear back from us after 4pm to see if you’ve won!
One winner each day will claim $100 to our Merch Store, redeemable either at PAX West or later when our online Merch Store re-opens post-PAX!
If a raffle is more your style, we have a newsletter sign-up raffle each day of the show, also from 10am – 4pm! No social media required–just go to our Sign-Up Podium underneath the beautiful bouquet of Castle Crashers Knight Plushies, four of which would be going home with you if you win! We’ll let you know each day before 6pm if you’ve won!
We have quite a day ahead of us!
🥚10AM – 1PM: Sign-ups accepted for our Alien Hominid Invasion Challenge at 3pm!
🥚11AM: We have another free bucket hat giveaway (while supplies last)!
🥚2PM: Our special guest Patric Catani will be performing an in-booth live-set at Booth 1500 (right next to our main Booth 1501)!
🥚2PM: Dan Paladin will be signing autographs again!
🥚3PM: The Alien Hominid Invasion Solo Bonus HiScore Challenge kicks off! Sign up at our booth from 10am-1pm to participate!
🥚4PM: Cutoff for entries to our #BuckleYourPAX Cat Guard Photo Contest and Newsletter Raffle
🥚6PM: The chickens return to the coop for some well deserved Zzzzzzzzz’s
Question for Day 2 of #PAXWest to motivate the in-booth chickens of Booth 1501 to wake up:
Early Behemoth gets the _________? pic.twitter.com/nRZtzYZWI1
— The Behemoth 👽🔜 PAXWest (@thebehemoth) August 31, 2024

We did it! Day One of PAX West 2024 has officially drawn to a close. These chickens are going to kick off their shoes and settle into the coop for a quick nap before we’re back at it once again tomorrow! A behemothly large thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth and chatted with us. You’re the reason We Make Games!
Congratulations to our Day 1 Winner of our Cat Guard Photo Contest, @SereneGraceTV! Now going home with a four-piece set of our newly updated Castle Crashers Knight Plushies!

Presenting…the winner of our Back off Barbarian High Score Challenge! With a winning time of 2:12:84, our Barbarian Trophy and goody bag of prizes is going home with them! Congratulations!

Our second place winner came incredibly close with a score of 2:12:15!

Our Back off Barbarian High Score Challenge is in full swing! Running from 3-4pm at Booth 1501 in the Arch Expo Hall, outrun your enemies and outlive your friends for a chance to win a handmade, one-of-a-kind Barbarian Trophy and Behemoth Prize Pack!
The bestest booth visitor and photo model!🐶 pic.twitter.com/lrzeNxM4n1
— The Behemoth 👽🔜 PAXWest (@thebehemoth) August 30, 2024
Dan’s autograph queue has been CAPPED for the day, we’re feeling the love! ❤

The queue for Dan’s autograph has BEGUN
The Chicken wants to give you an inside look at what goes on around The Behemoth Booth!
Come take a peak behind the scenes at The Behemoth Booth 1501 at @pax West! pic.twitter.com/wHFjqP88zO— The Behemoth 👽🔜 PAXWest (@thebehemoth) August 30, 2024
A wild Patric Catani appears! He’s performing at Booth 1500 (right next to 1501!) tomorrow at 2:00 PM!

Our first cosplayers have arrived! Making an Alien Cosplay is no joke, we love to see it! Not to mention BLACKSMITH REPRESENTATION!
The booth has been breached!
The Cat Guard Statue has been sighted!
We are HERE for PAX West 2024!
*deep inhale* IT’S TIIIIIIIME
PAX WEST! The BEHEMOTH is HERE!The Big Chicken is waiting for you with open wings in the Arch Building at Booth 1501!
🎮 ➪ Play on our arcade cabinets!
🐔 ➪ Peruse our merch!
📷 ➪ Enter our contests! pic.twitter.com/HikrB0ljVC— The Behemoth 👽🔜 PAXWest (@thebehemoth) August 30, 2024
The Behemoth staff have decimated the morning supply of breakfast bagels in the booth! Chickens need fuel!
The Behemoth staff is on site at The Seattle Convention Center!

Only one more sleep until PAX!
T’was the night before @PAX West… pic.twitter.com/qGLAOcvzTg
— The Behemoth 👽🔜 PAXWest (@thebehemoth) August 30, 2024