We asked, and you all most certainly answered! Not only that, but you answered so hard we had to push our winner reveal out by a day to make sure each entry got the amount of eyes on it that it deserved. We’re always blown away by the amount of talent, passion, and attention to detail that our community possesses, so good job! To you specifically! Pat yourself on the back right now. I’m waiting.
Good job!
We received nearly three hundred entries for our Pink Knight Valentine’s Day art contest and while we wish we could award all three hundred of you people a Pink Knight figurine…contests are contests, and you either win first place or you LOSE!!!1!! (But try to keep a sunny disposition, nobody likes a CRYBABY.)
Except with this contest, we originally had only three winners. And we realized that we couldn’t pick just three. We realized we’re so surrounded on all sides by artists (and sculptors, and crocheters, and…ice cream molders?) So instead of purely winning or losing, the Necromancer found it in their heart to resurrect a few more goodies (read as: Blacksmith plushies!).
(For an ultra full-sized viewing experience of each entry, please right click and ‘view image in new tab’)
Presenting to you, our three winners of a Pink Knight figurine:
A beautiful claymation entry featuring a star studded cast list of Behemoth characters!


Pink Knight, Aliens, Hamsters, OH MY!
Presenting to you, our three winners of a BLACKSMITH plushie:

This papercraft card really, ah, JUMPED OUT at us!

Props to Pink Knight for putting themselves out there with this one! </3
Stupid Pumpkin

Our final Blacksmith winner is Stupid Pumpkin! Pretty fitting!
While chickens can’t talk, this chicken has chicken fingers, and wanted to thank everybody who submitted, participated, posted their art, and made us smile. It’s nice to take a step back and focus on love, rainbows, and hamsters every once in a while. We read and reviewed every single entry, whether or not we were able to give yours a personal response. This warm, fuzzy feeling inside was something akin to heartburn for us, so we decided to share it with everyone: go check out the full album of submissions here. They were too good to not be showcased.
Honorary mentions who shall always have a special place in our chicken hearts:



Extra awesome

clam godwer



The Dudster


Thank you for abiding by the No Hair Collage rule (for the most part 🤮), save for one very clever submitter who blessed our eyes with a HARE Collage:

Thank you to the many who offered to send eye-bleach on the chance we did get hair collage submissions, and just thanks in general for reading our blogs and hanging out with us all these years.
And thank you to the people who wished the chickens running the contest a happy day. <3 We heart you.