Alien Hominid Invasion is a game of many words in very few letters, mostly grunts, shrieks and AAAAAAAHs! One of our favorite parts about creating our games is being allowed to further the world of that game through your ear holes. While audio design is not only incredibly fun for us, the stories and human beings behind these noises are deserving of their own special praise!

Not only is Dan the Man with a game(plan), he is the voice behind those anguished, destroyed, sobbing agents that all you alien hominids have been ruthlessly vaporizing since launch. When he’s not fighting for his life as an agent, Dan has been known to draw and make games, along with spending time with his favorite Bulldogzer, Winston.

What would life be without dogs, even if they are robotic and possibly nefarious? Winston Paladin gladly stepped up to the bowl plate when offered one lump sum of “Who’s a good boy? You’re a good boy!” Kenseth Thibideu, our sound designer, and Ian captured Winston’s award-deserving performance by chasing him around our studio with a microphone…The General quite literally trained these bulldogzers himself.

Every time you die and your alien cries for their Mothership, it’s the same voice as our cackling, scheming, long-term nemesis Cyboris (formerly known as Boris…what happened, Boris?)! Ian Moreno has both sides of this intergalactic invasion handled when he’s featured as an agent, with a big WOOOOOOO for his Digestor language translations. Wearing many alien heads hats, Ian served as our producer/audio director on Alien Hominid Invasion, overseeing all facets of auditory production and integration in the game, all while speaking only in Digestor. An impressive feat!

Monica, Megabot, Mothership – a role matched in outer space. Monica Franco brought the Mothership we all know and love to life. When she’s not knitting aliens to life, Monica’s pastimes also include hunting aliens as Megabot. Remember, KILL-IT-FOR-MAMA-KILL-IT-FOR-MAMA-KILL-IT-FOR-MAMA-KILL-IT-FOR-MONICA

As a former self-professed Newgrounds kid, Jeremy “Disguised Toast” Wang lent us his vocal cords to bring our big, bad W.A.S.P. Boss to life. A beloved boss from the original Alien Hominid HD, the W.A.S.P. Boss’s legacy lives on through Toast as the Agency’s bzz-bzz-boss. Keep your eyes peeled for the Disguised Toast unlockable alien head–you have to look for it, since it’s disguised.

Joining the agent lineup is Kenseth Thibideau, our sound designer who helped orchestrate our audio of astronomical attributes. Along with Ian, Kenseth worked diligently on fine tuning weapon clicky-clicks, environmental echoes, and giving our two favorite fated friends voices. Working with a wide array of gadgets and technology of Earthly origins, KT helped create our atmosphere of chaos and extra-terrestrial arsenal of weapons.

Patric Catani is the brains and bapi’s behind the iconic beats for Alien Hominid Invasion. An honorary chicken at this point, Patric has collaborated with us at The Behemoth for quite some time, and jumped at the opportunity when presented with a chaotic sci-fi arcade soundtrack. Utilizing an impressive arsenal of instruments, including a theremin, Commodore 64, SEGA chips, analog synths, instruments and real aliens, (just seeing if you’re following along), Patric has perfected the art of video game soundtrack creation with Alien Hominid Invasion’s OST. Since he created different levels of songs to increase with your level progression, you can hear some sweet sounds if you Kill-It-For-Patric!
Warning: Major content spoilers for Alien Hominid Invasion ahead, please read at your own risk!

Amanda: Community manager, marketer, moderator…SUPER EVIL SURPRISE END BOSS? A quintuple threat, Amanda plugged into the mainframe, picked up her knitting needles, and nearly obliterated the solar system with her performance. In her free time, Amanda does NOT knit, she crochets, and reminds the aliens in the Discord Server to behave. Don’t make her go Grand Mothership.

David brought the agency’s Juiceman to life not only by voicing him, but also by designing and animating him! As the Agency’s final line of defense against layoffs and alien attacks, Juiceman is our favorite boss to hate. Juiceman evolved over time, eventually landing in his final, fluid form as the Vengeance of the Agency. Don’t you feel just a little bit bad for Jim now?