In just three weeks, the Seattle Convention Center will be bustling with life, full of bouncy video game soundtracks, colorful cosplayers, rowdy tabletop game tables, and most excitingly, merch. With PAX West quickly approaching, it’s time to share what we’ve got planned in that regard!
Here’s a quick preview to prepare you for the purchasing of Behemoth goods:

Now that you’ve seen just a handful of our offerings, here’s some more intel:
– PAX West 2023 Exclusive Tee
This year’s exclusive PAX West t-shirt is, who would have guessed it, Alien Hominid Invasion themed! Grab your mutation juice (on a shirt) today!
What is PAX without lanyards? You have a badge, you probably have pins (if you don’t, we can fix that), you have whatever sponsored lanyard they give you for free. Why not upgrade to the greatness that is a Behemoth lanyard? We have plenty, including lanyards of all your favorite knights and a fresh-off-the-press Alien Hominid Invasion edition!
– The Return of Behemoth Pinny Pins
Pinny Arcade pins are back! If you want to add some Behemoth to your collection, we have all new designs to share, including new Alien Hominid and Behemoth chicken pins.
– Put a Chicken on Your Head!
We’re bringing FOUR hats this time around, with three new to PAX! Put a chicken on your head, or a copious amount of aliens (with matching button down shirt!), whichever is your preferred style.
– Stickers and Patches Galore
Loads of new stickers and two new patches are landing in the PAX store, with holographic sticker options, alien-related goodies, and MUSCLE CHICKENS! Yes, our little chicken pal has been hitting the gym in preparation for the tradeshow.
– Youtooz-y Tooz?
Our Alien Hominid Youtooz figure will be available at the show! If you missed the pre-order earlier this year, this is a great opportunity to snag the Alien Agent duo.
– And more!
Of course we’ll have many comfy socks in the store, along with other goodies like t-shirts, bandanas, alien bags, the big chicken plush, and blankets! Hooray!
We have one more surprise regarding merch up our sleeves to be announced later this week. Without giving many details, here’s a hint: donut.
See you at the show! (Please bring donuts.)