March 23, 2023. Another Thursday to most. The agents will wake up and make breakfast. The aliens continue their invasion prep from above. Aaand we’ll be at PAX East Booth #11063.
We’ll be at the show this Thursday – Sunday with the latest demo of Alien Hominid Invasion, now featuring the possibility of encountering not one, not two, BUT THREE DIFFERENT BOSSES. That’s right – all invaders this weekend have the possibility of running into Megabot, Installball, or THE BIG BAD WASP GUY FROM ALIEN HOMINID HD. (bzz bzz!)
Even better, by just playing our demo, you can enter a raffle to earn new (and old) Alien Hominid merch! Here’s a quick peek at the prizes:

And if you like the demo and are shaking in anticipation for MORE, be sure to come back and compete in one of two competitions we have planned this weekend!
Alien Demo High Score Extravaganza – Friday, March 24 at 4:00pm and Saturday, March 25 at 4:00pm
There may or may not be a way for the audience at home to score some alien swag, too… (Meaning there will be. We didn’t forget about you! Keep an eye out for a tweet with more info later this weekend.)
On top of our usual show-nanigans, we’ll be bringing a Polaroid camera along to take photos of you all at the booth! So stop on by, play our little alien demo, and let us snap a picture of you to take home as a souvenir. Cute stickers with Behemoth characters possibly included.
Meeting with you all in person and sharing the joy of our games with fans has been a focus of The Behemoth since the start of our journey, so needless to say, we’re ready to be back.
And this past year, employee eggs hatched from The Behemoth and now we’re stuck with Amanda and Sarah posting memes, managing our community, and marketing specialists! Wait… specializing in marketing? Either way, this is their (our) first show, so be sure to say hi! Or make awkward sustained eye contact from across the convention floor. Or drop a pot of chili off at the booth for them to eat in the chilly East Coast winter. Actually, go grab a notepad real quick so we can put in an order…