We were delighted, we were frighted (which is totally a word, according to Dictionary.com) and now we’re most of all excited to present to you the winners of our 2019 Behemoth Halloween contest!
This year we broke things down into three separate categories to encourage extra fun and imagination: (1) Best in Show, (2) Most Creative, and (3) Spooky Scariest. We received a ton of incredible entries, and it was harder than ever to pick this year’s winners; it took voting from almost everyone on the team!
But without further ado, here are your Behemoth Halloween Contest winners for 2019!
Best in Show

Most Creative
Spooky Scariest
We’d like to extend a big thank you to everyone who entered! We loved seeing all the entries, and the creativity of our fans always blows us away. We’re already looking forward to next year.
If you were one of our fabulous #BehemothHalloween contest winners, be on the lookout for a message from us! We’ll be contacting you on the account that you entered with very soon.