Hey there, amigos! We’re on our last day of RTX 2015 now (sad face) and we hope to go out with as much of a bang as we’ve done the past two days of the expo!
Let’s start our recap off with Friday. On Day 1, we opened up the Pit People demo to RTX attendees for the first time ever! Immediately, we had a line form and we had a consistent line throughout both Friday and Saturday. Much love to all the people who waited in line, played through our demo, and left us their feedback on our comment cards!
In the afternoon, we were visited by Hatty & friend! These girls did a wonderful job on putting together their costumes. The Hatty tears you see are made from baby blue ribbon!
Then at the end of the day we had our first winners from the Twitter and Instagram Photo Contest, which was followed by our Pit People raffle for anyone who played Pit People on that day.
Day 2 of RTX 2015 was just as awesome as the first day! We had a visit from four Castle Crashers cosplayers. They even took the time to talk to us about how one of their group member’s 89-year-old grandmother sewed together their tunics. Props to you, Grandma!
We also sold out of our Chonku Chonku Castle Crashers mini figurines on Saturday. Sorry, amigos! No more Chonku Chonku figurines for the rest of RTX.
On a happier note, we did our second raffle on Saturday with a twist. Anyone who played Pit People got a raffle ticket, like Day 1, but we had a secret special giveaway for Saturday players:
We had three raffle prize winners as usual, but we also gave out a new Behemoth lanyard to anyone with a raffle ticket! We had a limited amount for this special secret giveaway, but there will be more at PAX Prime later this month!
But we’ll talk more about that after this expo…we’ve got one more day of RTX to go! Let’s do this!
Hello! I’m the Hatty Hattington cosplayer! (shamelessly promotes my page http://listenstomusic.deviantart.com/)
I had an absolute blast hanging out at the Behemoth booth, and would love to do it again! If behemoth ever has a booth at a midwest con, send me a message! I’d love to come out and run around as free advertisement!