Title Update = DONE!

Early Tuesday morning we received news that the title update had officially passed certification and was ready for release. After some extensive testing and fixing (or as some might say “tinkering”) the update is now ready for release. In theory the update should go live Wednesday at 2AM PST however I’m not sure if that’s exactly the time, either way it comes out December 24th at some time of the day

Some of the issues that we’ve addressed with this update are:

  • Saved data loss issues
  • Quick Match/Custom Match multiplayer games not working/displaying error messages
  • Xbox LIVE games dropping unexpectedly
  • Arena Master achievement will now unlock after any mixed arena matches.
  • Overall network performance improvements
  • A few crash bugs
  • NXE related issues
  • Max experience cap lifted
  • Boomerang exploit is now resolved
  • Alien Hominid can now drop the pitchfork!
  • There are other issues as well and I’ll be gathering the full list and making another update as soon as I can gather all the info together. On behalf of everyone here at The Behemoth I want to thank those who helped out with awesome feedback and support. Although we couldn’t give you daily updates or an exclusive look into the inner workings of how a title update is developed and released we hope that the information that was provided helped inform everyone a little bit more on the process. Thanks again, and we hope you all have a safe holiday break!


    64 thoughts on “Title Update = DONE!”

    1. ah that is wonderful news. i had never run into any problems myself but didn’t play after i heard about the save game issue. now that everything is fixed, i plan on playing CC very much!

      Thanks TB! can’t wait to see you what you come out with next.

    2. meh. If this were released within the first week or two, then I\’d be excited, but after this long and having my data reset twice, I really don\’t want to play it any more. It was fun while it lasted, but without any new content, I don\’t see myself playing this again.

    3. I spent 30 minutes trying to join a game over live last night and it never worked. I couldn’t even create my own game and have others join. Once I started the game it would load up and then BAM, right back to the title screen informing me that “The other players have left the game”.

      This is the same exact error I had prior to the patch, and it exists now.

      What a waste of god damn money. I bought the game to play with my brother and friends over XBL and I still can’t do it. For those who have it working just fine, count your lucky stars. For the others like me who paid for this game in good faith only to have it crap out on them, even after waiting MONTHS for a god damn patch, I feel your pain. It’s the pain of 1200 MS Points down the drain.

    4. since you guys released the title update as a christmas gift, you guys should release the DLC for a new years gift

    5. ty guys
      I’m pretty sure Microsoft keeps there used points in a virtual bank, not a drain. A drain wouldnt store as much as a bank, and could clog easily. I’m sure some drains go more to the right or left than down. But maybe they go down the drain into a bank, or vault of some kind. I’m sure Microsoft gives tours, and you should check one out to see where they go, even though a drain is unlikely.
      On another note I feel sorry for your terrible condition, for I could never have guessed that MS Points could actually hurt, which my guess could either be a birth defect, or some tranferrable disease. Go to a doctor and get treatment immediatly, in the meantime take some pain pills so it doesn’t hurt as much.
      On yet another note, where are you from? Since where you are from time is so kind of currency. While the cost of CC in Chicago is about $15.00, 30 minutes over there should be about that much. But then again you said you wasted money, so is time called money over there, or are there different currencies? What about these “lucky stars”? Are they another currency? They might be easier to count then time. Wherever you are I hope your house isn’t a large mess since “your game crapped out on you.”
      Do games crap over there, and can it run out? Did you stop feeding it foods rich of fiber and start feeding it liquids?
      I hope you do not live in America, since I dont want to catch unknown diseases, cope with a new currencies, Have games crap on me, and have my Microsoft Points possibly stored in a drain.
      Making people pissed off,

    6. Sandmonkey, seriously.
      Stop trying to sound cool.. You didn\’t, you sounded stupid for not
      understanding common Metaphore\’s
      Some people are gonna be a bit ticked about the whole Game issuse\’s
      Don\’t get on their cases… You\’ve got better things to do especially when you have a clever mind like that.

      Castle Crashers works for me now,
      The game\’s great and I can\’t wait for
      the DLC.

    7. @Dudemobile
      I was not trying to sound “cool”, i was trying to act stupid (seriously) I know what metaphors are i just was joking, though i should make that more clear. I understand how they feel (in some way) when the game still doesnt work, and i cant understand sarcasm as well in text, but thanks for the compliment :)))
      Yeah it works for me as well, and im expecting the DLC before febuary, hopefully.

    8. @Dylan
      It was obviously a problem and took the fun out of the game.
      You said yourself it was a “glitch” so it needed to be fixed.
      I know that some people can wait to take the time into leveling there characters,
      but thats what the games about.
      Go file a lawsuit or something.

    9. Congratulations! You were the runner-up for ULTIMATE IN FAN SERVICE for Gamesradar’s 2008 chalice awards.

      Unlike Street Fighter, Castle Crashers didn’t have the good fortune of gestating in our brains nearly two decades. But the audible accompaniment to the best beat ‘em up in years is no less a triumph in our eyes, especially when you consider it spawned from an open casting call posted at the flash haven, Newgrounds.com
      From catchy beats to epic swells, you can experience the wonderment of the entire grassroots undertaking right here at no charge.


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