back from Japan!

Hi guys! Tokyo Gameshow went well! I’m sure there will be a post about the show later so I’ll get onto posting some of the cool crashers work i’ve found on the internet…because it is all awesome. (most of these i have found by searching for “castle crashers” on in case you are interested in finding some treasures for yourself!)

On with the art show!! Allow me to start with one that I enjoyed that was posted by Porl on Flickr. Porl has painted over some teddy trooper figures, molded them with sculpey clay. Porl then finalized it by with pieces like animal orbs, weapons, and shields. These are really awesome!! Thank you, Porl!

Here is a photo taken by Robert Angelo. A painting of a bear from the bear tribe!!! Excellence!!

Robotbreath has been posting the workings of some mystery project underway. It started with a wire, then clay, and then found its way to 3D models! I wonder what robotbreath has planned? What could it be?

New York Comic-con apparently had 3 anti-heroes running around. Here is a picture that was snagged of them! (These look awesome! Great job, guys!!!!)

And finally, mistersneak received an awesome castle crasher plush dude of wonderment for his BIRTHDAY from his wife!!! Sweet!! Happy birthday!!!!! Is it fireproof?

There are so many more but I can only post so many at once. Hope you guys enjoyed today’s art show!! More to come later.

37 thoughts on “back from Japan!”

  1. back from japan?shouldnt u be concentrating on the patch instead of taking off on all these little trips?you guys suck,I know I’m done with downloads from your slow ASS company.

  2. I don\’t know who wrote this blog post but…

    Learn to use some f\’in capital letters!!! It\’s \"I\" not \"i\". After periods, when a sentence finishes, you start again with a CAPITAL letter.

    Not trying to be an ass, I\’m just saying…

    On another note, some of these are pretty cool! I dig the bear painting!

    And on another note, I have to quote danp from his previous comment: \"Nothin but sunshine n rainbows\" XD

    Not posting on the update is only hurting you guys, a public apology on the site would shut up plenty of kids out there (free DLC?).

  3. Bladewolf,
    It wasn’t a vacation. They were at The Tokyo Gameshow.
    They aren’t the ones working on it, others are. They already fixed the patch, they sent it to MS.
    They already did. Calm down please.

  4. Who cares if he uses proper English or not?
    @Colino: You do realize that it’s not proper English to capitalize an entire word for emphasis, do you not? Try italics next time, champ.
    @danp: I love the snarky remark. I was waiting for someone to stick up for you and say that you’re the artist. I was not, however, expecting you to say it. Peace.

  5. Nice! I tried to make the papercraft castle crasher-duders. Apparently I fail at papercraft. At least now I know. >__>

    And in all honesty, I completely understand where everyone is coming from with the “OMG fix dah game!!1! *rage*” comments. But there’s not a whole lot that being an asshat will accomplish, no?

    I’m just as annoyed as anyone, trust me. I just know getting all two-year-old on the dev’s (who I admittedly have a soft spot for after creating the game in the first place, however flawed it may be) won’t make it be released any sooner. Still, I wish there was something I COULD do… that would be something. D:

    And Dan? You’re a truly amazing artist, but the English language is not subjective like art ;D. Just… throwing that out there… *whistles*

  6. The plushie is made out of fleece, but I’m pretty sure the love-fluff within is fire retardant.
    Also, my wife is amazing.

  7. You have some inside info nobody else has? The last blog post in which they mentioned the patch said that their team was finishing it up preparing to send it for cert. Where did they say “The patch has been sent to cert”?

    As of now, the delay clock is still ticking on the Behemoth’s watch.

  8. Maybe Dan could draw the whinerbabies some girlfriends so they’ll have something to occupy them until the update comes out?

  9. @Lyacon good job at finding a useless detail. That\’s right, DETAIL (and I\’ll use caps as much as I want, because I can spell). No need to defend dan about his capitalization (or missing thereof).

    I was just making a statement, and I thought such statement would help him improve his writing, does that make me an asshat? I don\’t think so.

  10. Did you meet anyone important in Japan?
    The Touhou series creator?
    Konami (etc etc….)
    Possibly Pixel?
    Or maybe the president of japan?!

  11. @Sandmonkey (not me the one who replied)
    I go on the forums, and kellybehemoth, I person who works there. told us.
    This was a while back, and I don’t remember the thread.
    Dan is this true? If so DRAW IT.

  12. @Colino
    If you can use capitals as much as you want, then Dan can use improper English on the website for HIS GAME as much as he wants.

  13. “I go on the forums, and kellybehemoth, I person who works there. told us.
    This was a while back, and I don’t remember the thread.”

    I searched all of kellybehemoth’s posts that included “Microsoft”, “Test”, “Pass” or “Cert”. The latest one was her preview post of the blog post that says:

    “Work is rapidly coming to an end for us and we are prepping the build to be handed off to Microsoft for their test pass and certification.”

    So again, AFAIC this is still behemoth’s delay. If you can indeed find the post where kelly says otherwise, I wonder why it wasn’t posted here or to the site news section.

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