Title Update is Coming!

We just got off the phone with Microsoft and we had a great talk about updating Castle Crashers, YES!! Looks like we’re on our way to getting this title update out and the bigger issues like saving and online connectivity resolved, in addition to other bugs that have been reported. A suggestion for those that might be having some online problems with Quick Match or Custom Match is to possibly try hosting a match instead. Also we’ve been informed that there are some suggestions out there about how to help recover your lost saved data. Again, we’re working on resolving these issues for the update but these might help you in the meantime.

We don’t have a specific time frame yet but we have been working on all known issues as soon as they appeared. Our team has gone without rum and biscuits since we became aware of the issues and will continue to deprive our programming team of both sleep and contact with family and friends (they don’t really have friends).

I want to take a second and thank everyone who sent in their emails, forum posts, threat letters, etc over the past few days. We’ve read through everything and have been responding to as many issues as we can. We’re directing most of our attention to actually fixing the problems so please be patient if you don’t hear an immediate response. Yay for communication!

If you have anything to report to us please keep emailing them to games[at]thebehemoth[dot]com and for the love of all that is good in this world put a relevant subject line like “Castle Crashers Bug Blah Blah Blah” but not, “OMFGFTWROFLCOPTER”

Thanks we love you all in that kind of way that’s not weird and uncomfortable.

Your BFF,


100 thoughts on “Title Update is Coming!”

  1. So they were on the phone with Microsoft today about the patch and the drawing shows “Title Update” in a box being nailed down getting ready for shipment. Hmmm… I wonder if that means the update is close to done and close to being sent off to Microsoft? I’m sure it will take a while for MS to approve it. “sigh” I can’t wait for this patch so I can actually play online!!!

  2. I will be contacting Microsoft for a refund. If and when you fix your game, I may buy it again. I lost my gamesave twice before I heard about this bug, and I do not like losing hours of progress in a game.

  3. Great job guys ! your game totally owns !

    As a big arcade fan i play Castle Crashers with a Stick, there is a problem tho, I cannot remap the buttons. I hope the update will introduce remapping !

  4. Wooo update, then I can play online ^_^.
    Just got this game 3 days ago, and completed it once only :3.

    Got me raving for it ~
    I hope there’ll be a huge amount of updates ~

    -Thinks of new characters, new weapons, new pets, new maps, new bosses-

  5. Good to hear your on telephone terms with Micro$oft 😛

    Keep us posted on the update date.

    I’ve emailed a suggestion to the appropriate address. Not a bug, but a good improvement.

  6. Please add the barbarian figure to the store, you said you were going to last friday, and you haven’t mentioned him in any updates since. 🙁

  7. I love the game, you guys have done a fantastic job! I look forward to the patch and will be eagerly awaiting any downloadable content. The game was well worth the cost and I have had a blast playing it! Thanks for all the hard work and thanks for continuing to improve the game!

  8. Behemoth…you guys realize that YOU are what people were afraid of when xbox live was announced as being a patch delivery service (among other obvious uses) right? Shoving incomplete products out to market, and issuing patches rather than testing the freakin’ software beforehand. I really really don’t know how you thought people wouldn’t notice the bugs in castle crashers…I got stuck outside of the gameplay area three times on the day I downloaded it, having to exit and restart the game each time. When’s the patch for that one coming, by the way? AWESOME AWESOME game, when it works….but after being stuck outside of levels, inside of enemies, and now losing my save game, I’m ready for a refund.

    If you guys make another XBLA game, please please please test it first.

  9. Is there a possibility to get the other three knights on t-shirts? The blue one is sick but Red is my favorite. Another question: Has ANYONE been able to play online yet? I haven’t had any problems saving my offline content but my 360 froze when I tried going online. I figured I might as well try and get lucky…didn’t work.

  10. Oh and by the way, if you want to see some of the unlockables info, just search Castle Crashers on Wikipedia.org. Some of the questions I’ve seen on here are answered in the article.

  11. info on secret weapons/chars as mentioned before would be awesome so at least we know if we are just running in circles or not. dont even care for a hint just the fact if they are or are not in the game would be very welcomed. awesome game to say the least.

  12. The admins have not released a time frame. They’re bustin’ their asses trying to get this thing working but when you have an extremely popular game that everyone wants to play the very second it comes out…servers crash and all Hell breaks loose. Not to mention that new games have issues with online play to begin with. In due time.

  13. Rex Dart, do you honestly think they didn’t test the software? Only hacks of developers do that. And even then, Certification goes through it as well. The bugs present are bugs that slipped under the watchful eye of certification (Three months of certification? definitely watchful).

    So, please stop throwing your frustration around like that. It’s not being productive.

  14. I do think so; three years’ development shouldn’t result in so many noticible and game-breaking bugs in just a few hours of play.

  15. @ rex dart
    so… i take it you have a great deal of programming experience?
    programming involves a ton of lines of code and even a small error can lead to a large amount of bugs. Even a large multi-million dollar dev team can leave bugs in finished software

  16. Don’t listen to that other guy saying to put it on PSN. DON’T PS3 is a lame console. Keep it on XBLA. PS3 can die.

  17. Hopefully you can give us a solid update on what exactly you are going to fix in the coming week. I love Castle Crashers and i think you guys have done a fantastic job with the single player and as always, i love Dan’s art. It truely is awesome.

    Now if only the multiplayer was on par and i didn’t get kicked every 10 mins in a co-op game. A fix can’t come soon enough. I love this game.

  18. I’ve purchased the game but avoided playing it online until its patched.

    Alot of respect to you guys for bringing back the good old 2D scrolling beat em ups that gave me childhood so much joy at the arcades, I hope we see many more to come.

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