Hominid unlockable and things

Hello everyone!!!!!!!!  Here you can see the Alien Hominid unlockable character in Castle Crashers, (which automatically unlocks if you own Alien Hominid HD on your 360 when playing Castle Crashers).   I will try to be sure we have gameplay video of him next time.  

update: here’s an article i just read “six reasons you should be VERY excited for Castle Crashers”:  http://blog.explodingwumpus.com/?p=361&preview=true

To the alien’s right is an angry bee which saw his debut at Comic-Con this year at our booth.  He’s so angry.  You know, usually when someone is angry they are really just unhappy with an aspect of their life and the best way to handle them is ask them what is wrong or find a way to make them happy.  Instead of yelling back, you can help someone achieve peace and you will both feel better about everything.  Make a chain reaction TODAY!!  hahaha okay anyway:

There’s an image I made per Emil’s request.  He says that if I make that image, people will want to use it and show it places.  Is he right?  Do you enjoy such an image?  I hope he is right. 

Okay, and lastly, we have a video from Comic-Con I took that shows a little bit of everything at the booth.  You can see the giant 9 foot flags, the people, the game, and the barbarian figurine.

Comic-Con 2008 Booth Walkthrough from The Behemoth on Vimeo.

The game is only 1 month away!!!!  Can you believe it?  It’s finally here!!!  Whew.   We’ll see you guys at PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) on the 29th, just TWO days after the game is launched!  Stop on by and let us know what you think.  We shall try to have exclusive T-shirts at PAX as well as our limited barbarian figurine for sale.



UPDATE: countdown counter deal from IGN’s website:

Castle Crashers at IGN

56 thoughts on “Hominid unlockable and things”

  1. Finally, a comic con booth walk through!

    I was dying to see that flag, I can’t imagine how much it costs to print that thing.
    I wish i would have been there, I probably wouldn’t of left the demo until my hands bled.

    p.s. who ever is filming, must of been nervous? there shaking all over the place!

  2. that was me filming. it was shakey because everyone is colliding like bumpercars there. it’s an absolute madhouse of people!! haha

    the flag is a thin vinyl that is printed on, and it’s not too bad of a price if you go to the right guys.

  3. I pray this game is 1200 points. I added points to the wrong account and spent some of them, so I will only be able to get it if its 1500 points or less. This game will be awesome!

  4. I like the grenade shield, I was wondering what the hominids shield would be.
    and could you make the pictures myspace friendly? (able to put them up on myspace for all to see)

    Hearts, love, and granola C:

  5. hey dan nice work on that flag! it was bigger than i expected 🙂
    do you read the penny arcade comics or do u just go to pax?
    dan learn how to use a camera, JEEZ!
    lol jk

  6. damn that picture is sexy. i want to just go all over the internet and plaster it on every page possible. did you guys know that dan can breathe underwater!!!!!!! it’s crazy ask him about it.



  7. I too have a sudden urge to take that sexy beast of a picture and send it to every one I know, even if they dont have an xbox, or even a computer for that matter…

  8. Can you explain how the Alien Hominid is unlocked? Do you have to have the license on that particular 360? Gamertag? Just a game save? People with multiple 360s may only have the license for Alien Hominid HD attached to one 360, and it would be a bummer (and probably a bit of a technical nightmare with game saves) if he was only unlocked on one and not another.

  9. Now that the game is complete, I’m begining to experience a phase of mental insanity. But i likes the pictures they’re great.

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