Castle Crashers Release Date…..No, seriously.

August 27th, 2008 is our release date. I’m sure you will read it everywhere else before you read it here, but hey that’s just the way these things happen sometimes. We are excited, and relieved to finally be able to say,ย  Castle Crashers releases on August 27th!

As we get closer to the release date, which is conveniently 2 days before we attend the Penny Arcade Expo we want to make sure your first day of playing Castle Crashers is going to be freakishly enjoyable. With that said we are excited to announce that one of the unlockable characters in Castle Crashers is our little yellow friend Alien Hominid. The best part about this is that if you have purchased the full version of Alien Hominid HD you will have automatically received this unlock on your Castle Crashers character select screen the day you purchase the game.ย  (August 27th, 2008) We wanted to make sure to include this for all of our fans out there who supported us with the purchase of Alien Hominid HD. If it wasn’t for your support we might not be here today.

More to come later as soon as we unpack from Comic-Con and get our office back in some working order. Microsoft is also having an awesome “Summer of Arcade” promotion where every time you download Castle Crashers you receive one entry for a chance to win 100,000 Microsoft Points, 12 month Xbox LIVE Gold subscription, and an Xbox 360 Elite console.

One last thing for all of the people who have asked this question, “When is Castle Crashers coming out?”,

August 27th, 2008

August 27th, 2008

August 27th, 2008

August 27th, 2008

August 27th, 2008



161 thoughts on “Castle Crashers Release Date…..No, seriously.”

  1. oh i thought roboblitz was a xbox game 0_0 thx 4 da info….
    18328943812901904 miles?
    wtf lol we are just over excited! like in gta4 things are so real that things you cnat do can make you be like say what?
    but seriously did you knock out on your numberpad or something? lol looks like you just ran you fingers up and down across it! lol! random ass number……..
    so ANYWAY here is somethings to pass the time…..

  2. @ danp

    i wasn’t trying to trick you i was just asking if by throwing those in if you were going to raise the price?

    @ samphis

    penny arcade was not even close to worth it. 3 – 4 hours of game play, that includes 100% achievements and no replayability for 20 bucks? i would rather spend those points on games that are worth it. roboblitz was ok but was kinda a letdown at the same time.

  3. Fetch the thumb screws and ginger beer! We’ll get the price out of him! No one expects the Behemothian Inquisition!

  4. Yes Afro, I shall get ye olde beer keg, .Says, Fetcheth the crack! Chicos1, ye must go find some rolling paper! XD

  5. I can\’t believe some of you are fussing about the price (which hasn\’t been set yet). Video games have always been an expensive hobby. I vividly remember spending $80 for SNES games as a kid. Regardless of the price, Castle Crashers will be a great game with a lot of content for a great price.

    Congratulations on shipping!

  6. SNIPER CAT itll be released at the same time cc is coming, demos are for xbox360 games, not xbla games, those are called trials they cant release em earlier

  7. yeah… people wanting castle crashers to be super cheap when it could easily be up on the shelves with $60 games. yet somehow $10 or $15 is a big deal. lol

  8. why are people so happy about this date sure it has a date but the whole fun of this game was gonna be playing over the summer now thats all ruined AND you all have to wait another month this is one of the worst date changes ive seen and the only good part is that its definite which also ruins any chance of it being earlier but i doubt that would fricken happen anyways i hat microsoft

  9. i mean i guess im alright with the 27th. but come sept 22. im playing silent hill homecoming and come nov. 4th im playing left 4 dead. i just wish i coulda had more time with this. i was really hoping to get all my characters to level cap.

  10. I don’t see why other games coming out should stop you playing a game like CC. It’s a nice casual game that gives a constant stream of rewards. If I played only one game the whole time till it’s done, by the time I’d finished I’d be sick of it. I always keep a few games on the go at once so I can switch when I hit a rut or I’ve just been marathoning the game into repitition. CC will be perfect for mashing through a couple of levels to break up a game like Fallout.

    It’s not like when the Holliday releases come out CC will wiped of the face of the planet.

  11. yeah but i mean im taking 21 credit hours. so im only really gonna have time to play 1 game on occasion. otherwise i would be totally fine with playing a bunch of games.

  12. If anyone asks whether the gamer pics and themes cost extra, the picture for this post specifically says, “FREE GAMERPICS AND THEMES” (or something like that). And so they will be there at the time of release, and WILL NOT cost extra. Stop hassling dan.

  13. There is no making anyone happy. Castle Crasher fans are lucky. They got to see the game in like, what, 3 years. What about us Fallout 3 fans? How many lies were we told? How many E3s did we wait, eager for news of Rad-scorpions? Many and we are thrilled to hear its coming out this fall, or at least its going to be delayed this fall. Hell I was just thrilled to see a video of game play.

    As for the whole price thing. Dan and the boys can charge me whatever they feel their work it worth. I want another game after Castle Crashers after all. 1600 points seems perfectly reasonable for the amount of game play in Castle Crashers.

    Just happy it’s coming out

  14. I agree with the last three comments above. Really, be happy it is coming out within a month. The price shouldn’t matter or you shouldn’t have an Xbox 360. All complaints ought to be sent to Microsoft, who are causing the wait. Anyone particularly angry can write a formal email with other people’s complaints as well.
    About the free Gamerpics: after downloading, just edit gamertag and picture, scroll down, and it’s there. To test this, download Aegis Wing (free, just do it), play, and then there’ll be 1 or 2 new pics. I’m not sure about themes.

  15. Wait, I heard of the free theme (which I needed), but free Gamerpics as well? And an INSANE mode? (one of my friends is bound to bug the hell out of me saying “INSANE mode” a lot) Now I’m more happy and anxious for this game then before (minus the friend being annoying part) ๐Ÿ˜›

    Late August? Oh well, can’t win them all, but the sheer content will tide me over all of September until Fable II comes out ๐Ÿ˜€

    Also, no formal letter is going to change anyone’s mind. This date is set in STONE and BLOOD (metaphorically speaking)! And the cause for such a late date is because of the sheer vastness of the content! I mean, anyone buying all these great games is going to have at least one week pushed back from playing Castle Crashers so much. It’s just that much content!


    Happy crazy ADD inneficient exploding face JOY!




  17. Eric WK, I have an answer to that. It is not an american site i believe, because other countries have different currencies, and they end up paying for different amounts of microsoft points. I think america has 1600pt cards and britain may have 2100pt cards.

    “.” Play nice.

    Everyone else: screw fallout 3, this is the CASTLE CRASHERS website. Go blather somewhere else.

  18. Well thanks for questioning my intelligence, fallenclover, but I’m well aware countries and regions use currency other than the US dollar. But that doesn’t mean a thing in this instance. Xbox Live Marketplace content has always had the same point value in every region.

    The point cost in North America and Europe will be identical to the one in Japan.

  19. i hope not 1800, because i only want to buy 1 card for 20 bucks, not two cards for 25…….. its not the price, its the amount of cards its unnecessary unless theres a 1800 card….. lucky you britian……..

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