Castle Crashers Release Date…..No, seriously.

August 27th, 2008 is our release date. I’m sure you will read it everywhere else before you read it here, but hey that’s just the way these things happen sometimes. We are excited, and relieved to finally be able to say,ย  Castle Crashers releases on August 27th!

As we get closer to the release date, which is conveniently 2 days before we attend the Penny Arcade Expo we want to make sure your first day of playing Castle Crashers is going to be freakishly enjoyable. With that said we are excited to announce that one of the unlockable characters in Castle Crashers is our little yellow friend Alien Hominid. The best part about this is that if you have purchased the full version of Alien Hominid HD you will have automatically received this unlock on your Castle Crashers character select screen the day you purchase the game.ย  (August 27th, 2008) We wanted to make sure to include this for all of our fans out there who supported us with the purchase of Alien Hominid HD. If it wasn’t for your support we might not be here today.

More to come later as soon as we unpack from Comic-Con and get our office back in some working order. Microsoft is also having an awesome “Summer of Arcade” promotion where every time you download Castle Crashers you receive one entry for a chance to win 100,000 Microsoft Points, 12 month Xbox LIVE Gold subscription, and an Xbox 360 Elite console.

One last thing for all of the people who have asked this question, “When is Castle Crashers coming out?”,

August 27th, 2008

August 27th, 2008

August 27th, 2008

August 27th, 2008

August 27th, 2008



161 thoughts on “Castle Crashers Release Date…..No, seriously.”

  1. That’s great news, but I would also like an update on the AH trophies. I won for medium weekly and still have not been contacted yet.

  2. Wow wow wow what!? Insane mode!? Dan you need to tell us right now what does it activate? More enemies or are they more tougher or what? Less health and magic?

    Come on you need to tell us about the mounts. How do they work?

  3. @ chicos 1,
    I like how you linked to a rip of HD quality GT vid on youtube :P… everone just do yourself a favor and watch it in HD there.
    Btw Glad to hear you’re selling merch like crazy.
    Wish I had the PTO to go to PAX.

  4. This is an amazing news!… But Wait… PRICING??????????? How many millions of Microsoft points do I need to save/acquire to be given the privilege of playing this game?

    Do I need to start considering selling my first born son or should I wait a little longer?

  5. Avoiding pricing questions? Come on now!! Just when you think you know someone, you guys have to start slinging insults ๐Ÿ™

    When was the last time I dodged a question ?

    As for pricing, we have no official word yet on what the pricing will be, and have some meetings with Microsoft before we can make the official announcement. I will keep you updated on that as it progresses.


  6. Fellow nerds and dingusses, if the Behemoth even had the slightest idea of the price, we all know that they’re loyal enough to tell us. Oh, and hays, I don’t even know if ANYONE still makes GC games anymore.

  7. So, is Alien hominid and his Green truncheon of Doom only for AH purchasers? Or will everyone else be able to unlock him later on in the game as a really difficult or expensive (in gold) unlock?

  8. Thanks for the pricing precision. Please keep in mind that my spoose for some odd reason, would love us to keep our first born son… ๐Ÿ˜‰


  9. sorry for the double, but when do we get the free theme and gamerpics? I’d love to have a knight as one of my pics

  10. sorry for the triple, but reassuring news!

    From Xbox 360 fanboy:

    Guess who’s back? Yes, you guessed correctly and on your first try, it’s that adorable yellow alien from The Behemoth’s Alien Hominid HD and we just learned that he’ll be making an appearance in the August 27th release of Castle Crashers. As a playable character at that. Developer The Behemoth confirmed that the alien would be insta-unlocked as a playable character in Castle Crashers for those who already purchased the XBLA release of Alien Hominid HD, but can still be earned by those who don’t own the game. Also, per The Behemoth’s graphic above (which we totally ninja-stole), there will be a free Castle Crashers theme and gamer pictures come launch week. Big w00tz to that!

    taken from:

  11. Isn’t that the same information stated in this very thread, on this very website, fallenclover? I admit I do not see new information in your post, or the link, that isn’t mentioned right in the thread.

  12. The reason he linked that, was because it was not clear if the Alien Hominid character would only be unlockable via the XBLA purchase of Alien Hominid. Now it is clear.

  13. drew: pricing hasn’t been announced yet

    aleksi: i’ll try to make a post about that sometime

    fallenclover: theme and gamerpics come with the game

  14. finally…..
    the price should be 800…… or else it should be the frirst arcade game over 800……
    i wont get pissed if its under 1600 though…… i mean thats only 20 bucks, i 10 year old can make that in a day, i make 50 a week, and im selling my laptop for 200 so yay!

  15. there have been 3 games on xbla listed for more than 800

    puzzle quest
    penny arcade adventures

  16. “”dan are you guys throwing in the gamerpics and theme to justify a 1600 point pricetag?””

    that’s a loaded question!

    we’ll release pricing information soon enough. you can try to get it out of us, but it is currently impossible to do that. a price hasn’t been confirmed, so a price doesn’t really exist. …therefore you cannot trick me into saying one. ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. \"there have been 3 games on xbla listed for more than 800

    puzzle quest
    penny arcade adventures\"

    Lumines Live was also 1200 Microsoft Spacebucks when it came out.

    All of those games were well worth it, though.

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