Castle Crashers is completely completed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel really great about how the final product has come out after playing through a few times last night. I’m very proud of what our team was able to accomplish. This game is undoubtedly the largest 360 XBLA game that has any kind of story; Large in scope, takes hours and hours to go through with your buddies. Lots of little treasures and secrets hiding around the levels, many unlockable characters all with a different feel, and lastly, no real weak spots in the game that I can foresee haunting me for the rest of my life. ๐
Now before anyone goes to turn on their 360 to give it a look please note that it takes a couple months at the very least from this point. It has to go through all the required hoops of certification/final testing & all that jazz before it will actually become available on the service. Because of this, amongst other things, there is no actual release date that we can give anyone right now. However I have to say it’s a good feeling know that the crashers are working their way into the world as you are reading this, isn’t it?
I have included new screenshots of a couple levels being played above. Here you can see danger in the dreaded ice arena, as well as the war in the bear village (this was also posted in the media section ).
I (and the rest of the team I am certain) want to thank you all for the patience you have shown as we worked on this project. We too were anxious for the game to be finished – but we just could not rush and end up risking the quality! The fan art and the amazing support we’ve received while working on this game has really uplifted our spirits and helped create something better than we would have been able to otherwise. You guys are awesome — thank you very much!!!!!
We are STILL MAKING UPDATES to this devblog! We will still be showing characters, animal orbs, videos, weapons, and other updates as usual, so don’t think we’re wrapping this up!
Awesome!!!! Japanese cannot wait, too
wait wait is this for the computer or the xbox 360 im not sure…
Good GOD.
I think its decided. I *NEED* a 360.
This is the first time i have been on the blog, and i am reading through all the awesome features this game has. I really have to have it!
Have fun on your holiday Tom! ;D
Looks great, makes me sad that SOME PEOPLE CAN’T GET OR AFFORD A 360!!!!!!!!! I loved AH in flash, so I wanted to get the full version as soon as I saw it’s out, but it was only for Xbox. Ok, I forgot about it. Now I see Castle Crashers, I fall in love with it immediately, and guess what? It’s for Xbox! I think there are people who agree with me, and The Behemoth games should be made for PCs.
Wow they just raised the Arcade limit to 350MB too. Wonder if CC will take advantage of this in an update? I know that is some of the reason the game was reworked originally… Time will tell I hope! I CAN’T WAIT TO PLAY!
Wow Awesome! Just one ask..where i can play it?
Playstation is way better than xbox.
Hey kyle just be happy its gonna come out this year
1. shut up kyle. and 2. hooray castle crashers is coming! 3. whats with the no new posts there hasnt been a new one in four days u guys said it was done why isnt there any new news about the game???? is it cuz toms on vacation?
Everything has been looking great. I don’t have an xbox, and haven’t really thought about getting one. If behemoth keeps releasing great games for the xboxla, then I just might have to get one.
please please tell me it will also be release to Nintendo wii, I COMMAND YOU TO!, please ๐
Is it Xbox only or will we also have a flash version of this?
Congratulations on completion of castle crashers.
Can’t wait to play it on Xbox live arcade ๐
I basically love bananas so much. I’ve even named myself banana. But i like castle crashers more. I think i’m going to name myself Castle Crashers now.
Yea sure if you really want i will give you my story on the Holocaust:
Beginning in March 1942, a wave of mass murder swept across Europe. During the next 11 months 4,500,000 human beings were eliminated. By the end of World War II the toll had risen to approximately 6,000,000 Jews, which included 1,500,000 children, who perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers. When the killing ended those who survived were released from the concentration camps and came out of hiding. Here you can read some of their stories.
I hope this helped! good luck
Castle Crashers
sweet now whens it going to be relesed!?! (please for 800)
im pretty sure this is gonna end up 1600 points. which is really disappointing. the first game released at 1600 points wasnt even deserving of it. but this title definitely is
thats the video with the alien in it.
1. Omg you can play as Alien Hominid!?! Why was I not informed of this?
2. Why are the Castle Crashers and Alien Hominid figures not on the NG store? Is that one of the soon-to-be updates?
OMG! The mask on the door belongs to the guy from chainsaw the children!
Virus above me! ๐
Can’t wait for the game! ๐
Would there be any way of adding a level 99 Uber move? One that uses up all your mana and simply owns everything? As an incentive to reach that level?
Just a bit curious…
If it truly is impossible, I wish I could of contacted you guys earlier :'(
You should Be holding your heads up high right now boys, I am amazed at this game!
is this for xbox?
It appears they are purposly cutting one character out of the shot. Whos that red character we can see next to the bear on picture 3?
P-Bot knight?
That character has already been revealed the red is a glow on the armor, you can see it if you maximize the picture
Wow I can’t wait to purchase and download this game. I’ve been waiting for what feels like forever – this is actually one of the reasons to why I wanted a 360 in the first place ๐