
This week we have the Cardinal orb. As stated below, this little guy will help you find various secret items, he works in a similar way to Owlet

Also, I accidentally deleted some comments on previous posts. I was filtering out some spam comments left by some jerks and I ended up wiping out like 20 real comments in the process. I’ve fixed the issue now so we should hopefully see no more of that.


32 thoughts on “Cardinal”

  1. what do you mean by “secret items”? Like weapons in stuff, or do you find hidden teasures for achievements an’ such?

  2. hey Emil I guess im not as big a fan as some people, But i love this game and i was wondering how i could talk to you guys personally and ask you some serious questions about your field of work. I would really like to get into something like you guys. So, it would be greatly appreciated if you could let me know either way. I do understand your busy though so no rush.

    p.s. the animal orb system…Genius

  3. I really like the updates, but I want more! When can we expect new screenshots, or a new trailer? Or maybe even a release date… ?

  4. hey, thats awesome
    ill be using this one alot then

    i was also wondering if i could use a castle crasher to put on the front of a cereal box for my graphics project for school?

  5. I’ve been waiting for a long time for some new gameplay videos. Maybe even a release confirmation…. Come on give us some hope that its at least coming out soon.

  6. The good news for everyone is that the game is done, yaaa! We’re all in bug fix mode as well as optimization for the game. We have some pretty cool stuff coming down the pipe, that should fulfill everyones needs (I hope).

    Thanks for your patience through all of this, it’s greatly appreciated.

  7. thats what I got mate and Ive saved twenty whole games to it…all of which Ive beaten. And Mr. Palidin shame on you for haveing a Cardinal but not a Blue Jay 🙁 that is a piñata upset. However Congrats on finishing the game.

  8. i had the game far longer than i had a ps2. but then hd came out, and i was sad.
    also is castle coming out for ps2?

  9. dude this game is looking more and more AWESOME like EVERYDAY! LOL! i can’t wait to play it. is there ANYWAY we could actually get a REAL release date for the games BROS?!?!?! THANKS! LOL! pz! 😛

  10. King B City-

    Wouldn’t it be great if Xbox Live Arcade Games got release dates? My guess is this game is coming late June / Early July since Summer 2008 is all we have gotten. This definitely looks to be the best XBLA EVER! and the sheer amount of content makes it well worth $10+.

  11. I too will be buying an XB360 just so I can play this game. Ever since I played Dad ‘N’ Me at newgrounds I’ve been anxiously awaiting a full game of the same style. Castle Crashers seem to have exceeded my expectations!

    Congratz to everyone who contributed to the game(and this website)! I can’t wait to play!!!

  12. Awesome that the game is finished! I’ve been hyping the game to my friends for ages and now the looong wait is coming to an end. You should do a preview of the game on your site so the big gamingsites could pick up the game from there. I’d love to see a big Castle Crashers articel on Gamespot, Shacknews or IGN 🙂

  13. Oh no, the games nearly out and I still don’t have an xbox 360! 🙁
    I’m not usually much of a gamer, but I’m still getting an xbox360 just to play this.
    And Dan, I idolise you and I would kill to have your job. Not because of castle crashers, but because I want to be a game artist. A 2d game artist. It’s ok as an obsessive hobby, but I don’t earn money and have to do all the other jobs. 😛

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