PlayStation Indies Sale: Castle Crashers Remastered

PlayStation is home to a number of awesome indie games, and we’re happy that Castle Crashers is one of them. That’s why we’re a part of the PlayStation Indies Sale!

From February 24th through March 10th, you can purchase Castle Crashers Remastered for 40% off in the PlayStation store! This sale is happening in both the SIEA and SIEE regions — for America and Europe!

We know it’s been a while since Castle Crashers Remastered was on sale on the PlayStation, so if you’ve been waiting to pick up the game this is the perfect time. And, while Castle Crashers Remastered originally launched for the PS4, you can also play it on your shiny new PS5 with the platform’s compatibility feature!

Grab your sword (or mace or twig or chicken stick), put on that helmet (of your color of choice), and get out there… we’ll be seeing you in the kingdom!

National Appreciate Another Being Day: Now with Merch Sales!

It’s that lovely dovely time of year where you take a special moment to eat some chocolate and, of course, appreciate those you care about. But what better way to celebrate those you love than with Behemoth merch!? And better yet, Behemoth merch ON SALE!

From February 12th through February 14th, get sweet deals on select items in our online merch store!

We’re getting extra festive and celebrate-y, so for this sale our pink, purple, and red goodies will be discounted down to special prices! Perfect for the adorable aesthetic that comes with the season, ya know?

So whaddaya say? Get your beings get appreciated with Behemoth merch!! We heart you. Lots.