so many beautiful creations

hello my friends and welcome to the behemoth devblog of wonder.  today i will be sharing some things that i have personally thought were pretty darn cool.  i always like it when people create things with different sorts of mediums so i am going to show you all some recent artwork that we haven’t quite gotten into our fanart gallery just yet:

These things pictured above would be cookies that we received at PAX!!   This girl obviously put a lot into this so we just could not bring ourselves to eat them.  You know, eating art is just too difficult for us, i guess.  Thanks for this one MoriChax!!

These little clay guys come from from a fellow we know as Lunchbox820 on our forums.  Here we have a few animal orbs from Castle Crashers fighting over a quarter that has presented itself to them.  Thank you Lunchbox820 for sharing!!

An amazing feat, papercraft, done by Lesqua.  Even cutting it out appears to be hard work, something that Lesqua seems to embrace!  These figures are wonderful.  Perhaps we shall follow up with a link to the papers so you may print them out for yourselves!!!

An amazing pair of shoes from Jonas featuring the blue knight,  the king, animal orbs and barbarian boss.  Wonderfully bold work protecting wonderfully creative feet!!!!

Added another picture to the list and we have word that the sign artist goes by “Gino Hasler” So thanks Gino you chalkmaster,  you are a master of chalk.  Your efforts are appreciated!!!!

Have you played Spore?  None of us have gotten a chance to play just yet, but Andre Nguyen has.  He has brought it upon himself to dominate the galaxy with Alien Hominids.  Very awesome, thank you Andre!!!

Look for a post from John sometime later this week, because I think he’s got something special.  (pretty sure the guys don’t like when i put pressure on their posts like that, lol)

Sidenotes; oh yes, the title update is making great progress!

Thanks to everyone for playing so much!!!!


*edit* – Hi, Emil here i wanted to add this image as well as it was being worked on by some of our forum users. Thanks.

Title Update is Coming!

We just got off the phone with Microsoft and we had a great talk about updating Castle Crashers, YES!! Looks like we’re on our way to getting this title update out and the bigger issues like saving and online connectivity resolved, in addition to other bugs that have been reported. A suggestion for those that might be having some online problems with Quick Match or Custom Match is to possibly try hosting a match instead. Also we’ve been informed that there are some suggestions out there about how to help recover your lost saved data. Again, we’re working on resolving these issues for the update but these might help you in the meantime.

We don’t have a specific time frame yet but we have been working on all known issues as soon as they appeared. Our team has gone without rum and biscuits since we became aware of the issues and will continue to deprive our programming team of both sleep and contact with family and friends (they don’t really have friends).

I want to take a second and thank everyone who sent in their emails, forum posts, threat letters, etc over the past few days. We’ve read through everything and have been responding to as many issues as we can. We’re directing most of our attention to actually fixing the problems so please be patient if you don’t hear an immediate response. Yay for communication!

If you have anything to report to us please keep emailing them to games[at]thebehemoth[dot]com and for the love of all that is good in this world put a relevant subject line like “Castle Crashers Bug Blah Blah Blah” but not, “OMFGFTWROFLCOPTER”

Thanks we love you all in that kind of way that’s not weird and uncomfortable.

Your BFF,
