Over the weekend our Castle Crashers leaderboards have passed 900,000 users. That’s approximately 3,532,940 princesses saved and about 112,478,313,017 swings of a sword. Those numbers are probably way off and don’t make any sense but I think you get the point.
It’s still amazing for all of us to think that we’re on track for over a million Castle Crashers users and the game has only been out for about 8 months now! But when will this momentous occasion occur? When??
I challenge YOU to guess the exact DATE and TIME that the main Castle Crashers leaderboard reads 1,000,000 players!
I’m not sure yet what the prize will be for this.. but rest assured. it will be awesome, nay…SPECTACULAR! if there are lots of close entries, we will award lots of cool prizes.
the rules:
- one entry per person
- one person per date/time
- round your guess to the nearest 5 minutes, and specify AM or PM, use pacific time. that is 3:45am, 2:10pm, 4:00am, etc. and not 8:32 and 43 seconds. if you submit a funky time like that, we will round UP to the nearest 5 minute mark.
- When we reach 950,000 on the leaderboards, no more entries will be accepted!!
IMPORTANT: Post your guess over in our forums, so i can keep track of them all in one place! Guesses posted here will not be counted
Check this list before you guess!!—> A MILLION GUESSES