Five thousand giveaway DLC codes, Dan’s birthday

We are giving away 5,000 DLC codes on our devblog, twitter, forums, and our facebook groups! Five thousand! If you are interested in grabbing one just check Emil’s post below!!

I want to thank everyone for all of the great gifts on my birthday. I am pretty sure you guys have set a record well beyond the amount of gifts I have ever received!! So many emails of amazing art, plus some that have arrived right at our doorstep – and I’d like to show you some of those now:


hats n whales

The plushes were made by Anna the Red, who also brought us by a chicken plush at PAX! Thanks, Anna, these are INCREDIBLE!!!!

And of course, many cakes to make us fat with;


chicken cake from Kristjaan!!!

mysterious clown cake

I can’t really tell you how happy we are! This is how happy we are:

from sad to happy

Thanks so much guys, you are justice!!!!!


5,000 Necromancer Codes and You!

With so much talk of anniversaries and birthdays we’ve decided to continue our favorite part of both, presents! With that said, we went and got 5,000 Necromancer DLC codes for Castle Crashers and want to just give them away everyday until we run out. Since the latest iteration of the internet provides us with so many different ways of communicating with all of you we’ve made a decision to try to use as many of these sites as possible.

Our holder of the codes Kelly has been on our twitter feed handing out batch after batch of said codes since yesterday morning. In addition to Twitter our Facebook groups here and here are also receiving some love.  If all of those sites weren’t enough we’ll have Kelly here on the blog and over at the forums handing them out as well.

In the event that the  exhaustive list of links above weren’t clear enough, here’s a simpler one to follow:

  1. Twitter – Be our friend please
  2. Facebook group – The Behemoth – face our books please
  3. Facebook group – Castle Crashers – two is better than 1
  4. Blog – You are Here
  5. Forums – They are somewhere else

Remember, since this is a free-for-all style distribution you have to be quick and grab your code and redeem it before someone else does. Imagine you’re a gladiator in a cage and you’re about to fight someone else. Then all of a sudden a lion shows up! Well it’s really nothing like that at all, infact I don’t even know what I’m talking about anymore.

