Our latest Alien Hominid Invasion demo is now live as part of Steam’s Next Fest! This time around, the Mothership prepared a 2-player co-op version for you, so be sure to tell all of your earthling pals. If you’re perhaps in need of earthling pals to play with, our Discord is full of ‘em
And if you’re in need of some friendly competition, we have that, too!
INSANE High Score Competition
If you feel like enjoying a side of suffering with your Invasion chaos, this is the competition for you! To enter, send us a recording uploaded to YouTube of your solo INSANE mode demo run, including your high score screen at the end. You must start with a new profile and extract from the last level (boss) to qualify.
We get to see you suffer, you get a chance to win some cool Alien merch if you win. It’s a win-win situation for everyone, really. Unless you don’t win, I guess.
Speedrun Competition
If you like going FAST, this is the one for you! To enter, send us a recording (also uploaded to YouTube) of your solo demo speedrun on Normal difficulty. If you have the speediest of alien demo clears, you win! It’s a pretty simple concept really. You must start with a new profile and extract from the last level (boss) to qualify.
How to Enter
Please send all demo competition submission links to games@thebehemoth.com with the title “Alien Hominid Invasion Demo Submission – YOURNAMEHERE” and let us know whether you are entering the INSANE or speedrun competition, or both.
If you win either competition, you’ll get a one-of-a-kind pat on the back from each of our alien Vtubers! Actually, their movement is somewhat limited, so here are the real prizes:
– Those who take first place in either competition will win an AHI bucket hat, socks, and keychain.
– One runner-up from each competition will win an AHI bandana and sticker sheet.
To spread the alien joy, we’ll only be awarding one prize pack per earthing! Sources close to the Mothership say those socks are pretty comfy…

If you have any questions or feedback throughout the event, you can reach us at the email listed above or on Discord. We hope you have a BLAST (literally) invading, and we can’t wait to see your runs!