Today, we’re proud to showcase our very first user created playlists that are being featured in Furbottom’s Features (FF)! In celebration, we’re giving away two special prisoner unlocks — Donuts and Winston.
1) Solo Furbottom’s Features:
Playlist: Buckle Ur Pants
Creator: Xx Tawnia xX
Complete all solo levels to get the special Donuts prisoner!
2) Cooperative (Co-Op) Furbottom’s Features:
Playlist: Flem and Friend
Creator: guyinco6nito
Complete all co-op levels to get the special Winston prisoner, Dan Paladin’s loyal companion.
3) Feature Arena:
Playlist: CommunityBngBng
Creator: Shiunicornt
No unlock, but plenty of smiles to be had.
We will continue to update the Featured areas every week for the next month! Keep up with what playlists are currently up by checking out the Furbottom’s Features section of our official Forums.
The changes will rotate between Arena Features & Furbottom’s Features, so next week we will only change the Arena Features. Remember, the special prisoner unlocks do not necessarily change every time the FF does and they are still Limited Time Only. So, get them quick because YOLO.