If you were born on the planet Earth then you’ve probably hung a poster up on a wall at one point during your existence. Because of this universal link we all share, which involves hanging a piece of paper on the wall, we’re bringing posters to Comic-Con!
In case you’ve never seen a poster being made, we took the liberty of documenting the entire process for you (sort of). Thanks to Dan’s permission we were allowed to take our cameras into the lower levels of Behemoth HQ and show you this exclusive process.
Step 1 – Activate PrintoMatic 2456

Step 2 – Load PrintoMatic 2456 with a substance known only as, “paper”

Step 3 – Posters are made

Our four knights have never looked so good, even while being completely deconstructed and flattened onto a sheet of paper . So if you’re in San Diego next week we encourage you to stop by booth #4219 so you can claim your poster, play some BattleBlock Theater, and probably see Kevin Bacon somewhere.

(Special thanks to Rush Press in San Diego for letting us tour the facilities)
Oh. My. Goodness.
I would love one of those posters, but if I had the opportunity, I’d buy all four, they’re amazing. I’d frame them all, and hang them in pride of place on my wall.
I think I’m getting a little carried away, but you must do a contest or something for one of these Kellie! Or atleast put them up on your store, I’d buy regardless of the shipping cost. Now I’m all jealous and sad I’m not at CC :'(