Tournament of Champions

EDIT —-> check out This Page for more Tournament info!!

To celebrate Castle Crashers reaching over 2 million players on XBLA we’re going to have a little (BIG!) tournament for all you millions of XBLA Castle players. So I hereby introduce The Behemoth’s first ever…

With all these people playing Castle Crashers.. many have claimed to have the unparalleled skillz, the bestest combos, the most awesome attacks. Finally, once and for all we shall know:

Who is the best Castle Crashers Arena Fighter in all the world?

The first prize of the Tournament of Champions is a Gold Xbox. Yes, a functional Xbox plated in 24k GOLD. Imagine playing on a golden Xbox. Envision the look on your friend’s faces. Kings and Queens would come over to your house to play BattleBlock Theater.

2nd prize will also win an Xbox, though not of silver- an Castle Crashers themed Elite. 3rd place will drown their nearness to victory in 250 squishy chickens. Everyone in the top 100 will win a prize, and the top 24 will get a special bonus as well. Here’s how its going to go down:

To be eligible for the tournament you have to be in the top 100 Weekly Ranked Arena players on the Castle Crashers leaderboards at noon (PST) on January 28th. You will have all that week to battle amongst yourselves to claim those spots. ย The top 100 will compete in 1 on 1 Arena matches, in a single elimination tournament format on Saturday February 5th, until we have a victor! You have 2 weeks to hone your skills before the tournament begins!

EDIT —-> check out This Page for full rules and contest info!!

Basic small print:
One entry per person. Players must be available to play online from 8:00am to 5:00pm (PST) on February 5th. Players under 18 years of age must have parental permission to participate. Level 256 and other cheaters will be disqualified!

66 thoughts on “Tournament of Champions”

  1. I have seen some of those people play.. they can juggle and use the Magic Splash attack in mid air… it’s going to be harder than playing as a level one on insane mode with no health potions

  2. As much as I love this game I don’t see how you will be able to account cheaters if you hold an online tournament, Nevertheless I’ll be sure to try and claim that Xbox for me!
    Props to the Behemoth team, Way to go! Cya’ll in the arena

  3. So what appens to ps3 users?
    Is it going to be a contest for the golden ps3 seen at an old video you posted?
    I meen i would like to compete since i need a xbox despretly.
    But i need one to et one. ^.-?

  4. I want just one of those little squishy chickens. They are so awesome. Here’s hoping for third place! If I win them, everyone in the top 250 can have one ๐Ÿ˜€

    Thanks for the contest you guys.

  5. Wow and i thought the alien hommid statues contest prize was good.

    That xbox must be worth a ton of money in gold alone.

    So want chicken.

    But I never get anywhere near close to winning anything but do it anyway.

  6. This is a joke…

    I say that because no REAL Castle Crasher fan (like me) has a chance to win because all the level 256 hackers are going to win

    Note: I’ve grinded myself silly getting my Orange Knight to level 99 (the maximum level)

    and I should mention I bought an Xbox JUST for Castle Crashers

    • Dear Sir,

      We will not be awarding anything to anyone who has modified their software, so, those people will not be conserving slots in the top 100. This I promise you!

      Orange Knight forever!!!!

      • Thank you for clearing that up, sorry if I was in a foul mood I was just annoyed that something like this was happening and I thought that the hackers were going to win it all.

        Thank you again for Clearing that up

        hope to see more updates on this tournament

        you did say WEEKLY top 100 correct?

        now then- back to grinding my Fire Demon/King/Red Knight to level 99 as well encase someone beats my Orange Knight to the Draw

  7. Top 100? My chances just went down the drain. I doubt I could rise up to the top 100 with my red knight in 18 days…

  8. I am looking forward to a good tournament may the best Castle Crasher win! Someone that is brave to fight me in Castle Crashers go ahead I want to see who can beat me gamer tag is my user name

    • I’ve had a level 99 Orange Knight
      this tournament made me grind myself silly
      now I have level 99 Orange Knight, Fire Demon, Red Knight, and King

      Good luck to you; for I will accept your challenge

      Plus we do need some practice matches ^^

  9. Found a Slight Problem

    Every time I play a match and I’m about to win

    the other person leaves

    crashing the game and stealing my win

  10. Odd question
    (and sorry for my vast interest)

    How are you going to send the prizes

    as in, how are you going to know where we live and where to send it and stuff?

    are you going to ask for our addresses or what?

    because I would prefer a gold Xbox going to my PO box NOT on my front door **lives in a bad neighborhood; it would get stolen**

    • Everyone here wants me to come in third

      I’m currently ranked 22 out of the 1305 weekly players

      I just hope I get to the top 24, I know I won’t win with everyone using lightning lock and grey knight ultra combo

  11. Just a thought

    (yeah I am a huge fan; sorry)

    for the 100 that are good enough to make it

    you said there’s a prize

    I’m honestly hoping for a shirt that reads “Castle Crashers Tournament of Champions”

    …and hopefully a squishy chicken (just one)

    anyone else have any thoughts?

  12. Question, can someone please let me know when and how much behemoth is going to be selling these chickens? ill never be good at arena, ITS NOT FAIR!

    • yeah i want one if the top 100 get one ill be happy is easy to get in the top 50 i was on the 9 but get downed to 16 still a lot of adventage from the #100 so i think i will got a prize PLEASE THE CHICKEN

    • We’ve already covered this but allow me to reiterate


      This is for Xbox 360 only being that it is being held on Xbox LIVE

      The PS3 will have it’s own thing when the PS3 reaches 1,000,000 players (or at least that has been hinted at)

      so, no this isn’t on PS3

    • I’m against it too, but I’m pretty sure they’re going to allow it because it counts as an air juggle and well… yeah… it bites…

      …that being said I’m able to do that combo, but I only do when others do it to me first (or try to… or pick the grey knight/conehead)

  13. Hey guys, I found a player that have cheats on (his GT is Rubinez)

    Maybe he’s not cheating for playing, but he doesn’t have one achievement unlocked, and he have about 150 000 victory recorded, so he did something for that.

    Beside, he’s the first of the 100th player for the tournament. Is that an illegual cheating that would make a player banned?

    • Yeahhh i play today versus him cheaterrr he beat me very fast almost impossible to hit him and i enter a match again and he beat me again enter again i see his profile he is a cheater he is #2 weekly he has 61 points and the tournamet has just started True 213 is a 256level baanee em

      • Level256 aren’t the biggest problem, to be true, I see most of them are fair player and most of the time I can beat them, it’s only a few name I saw that do infinite combo, about 4-5 name I could name anytime :/

  14. Theres something i dont understand someone explain me please the week is 21,22,23,24,25,26,27 and 28 or 28,29,30 etc
    I mean the tornament starts 21 and finish 28 or starts 28 and finish 3 of february

      • Ohh thnx man il think i will check if someone answer me an now im numer 12 weekly i think i will stop playing and play later my gamertag is my name here

  15. If you make the top 100 by January 18th, but you are not able to compete in the tournament on Febuary 5th, do you still earn a prize for being in the top 100? or top 24? I can’t make the tournament because I have a sporting event on Febuary 5th.

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