hello my friends!!!!ย ย excitement is at an all time high for us here at the behemoth as today is a special day where we are finally able to present to you our 3 years of hard work!!!
we hope that you enjoy your adventure!!ย it should be available on Xbox LIVE Arcade any time within the next few hours……TODAY!ย woooooooooo ๐
Hours? I hope you mean minutes!
You taunt me!
My eyes are glued to the marketplace in anticipation.
10 more minutes, 600 more seconds…. MOVE FASTER
Curse you west coasters and your crazy times. I’m running on EST and I have things to do tomorrow. Whether they get done has a lot to do with just how addictive Castle Crashers is! May it please drop soon!
hoping for 4min
Thanks for all of your hard work surely it will pay off! Castle Crashers looks fantastic cannot wait to get my hands on it!
It’s up now, go get it!
it coming at 2am PST. thats when marketplace gets updated.
OK its past due… Microsoft hurry the f up. I gotta watch my daughter at 8am, that means only 4 hours left to crash castles. wtf
It’s up!
Woot! its up.
See you all in game
OH YEH DOWNLOADING NOW! Bought the knight picture pack as well!
yay! DLing now… see ya in there!
I should be downloading it later today when I get a chance to get on the xbox.
My gamertag is Somar187 if anybody wants to crash some castles together.
Awesome! Fix the online to work now! ^_^
Im downloading the trial right now since im too cheap to buy some MS points at the moment.
So yeah, its out. YIPEEEE.
Online matches seem to not work at all for me, quickmatch straight up does not work. Custom games crashes every 2-3 searches, and when I do see a game I can’t join it.
56% so far…. ๐
You promised us free gamere pictures tho :/
But nice theme ๐
I love the feeling of this game (and I\’ve been waiting for it so long) but please PLEASE PLEASE, add difficulty levels !
I did not buy it because of this. The first two levels are really too easy !! There are fruits every two steps. And ennemies , even bosses do a few damages compared to all those Life points you have.
Please this game is awesome but what about replayability ? Alien Hominid was excellent because of its difficulty level. This one seems way easier and do not propose any tweaks to make it harder (for hardcore gamers).
It would be easy for you to just increase every ennemies damage or to lower every players life points wouldn\’t it ?
Hope something is gonna be done about this. It would be such a perfect game …
I agree. It does get mildly harder but it really needs up. Up the number of enemies on screen or something. Still, thus far 9.9 out of 10.
OMG OMG OMG! *running around in circles* The day is finally here, I can almost not believe it! The waiting-game is over, now the _real_ fun begins!
Now I can concentrate on playing this while awaiting Talisman XD