E3 2008 and Comic-Con

Our friends over at Gamespot had a chance to check out Castle Crashers yesterday for the first “official” day of E3 2008. They only had enough time to make it through part of the first level, but hey it’s better than nothing.

Some things to point out from the video, that some of you might have questions on:

  • Experience is based on the number of times you actually hit the enemy.
  • CPR — When you’re in a local or multiplayer match and one of your friends gets killed you can go over their body and perform CPR to revive them, and yes it’s pretty awesome.
  • When you level up your character you receive stat points that can go into the four main attributes of the game: Strength, Magic, Defense, Agility. In addition this you unlock more melee combos as you progress to higher levels.

In other news, we have Comic-Con coming up next week and we’re all going pretty crazy trying to get everything ready for the show. It’s going to be a pretty crazy time as our booth keeps getting more intricate and amazing every year. If you’re in the San Diego area on July 24th-27th please come by the San Diego Convention Center and visit us at Booth# 5029. We’ll have Tom Fulp, and Dan Paladin there providing free hugs, seriously just ask they love that stuff.


101 thoughts on “E3 2008 and Comic-Con”

  1. Thanks Denivire. We’re just always in front of a computer so it’s not too difficult to try to respond to as much as we can. It’s fun for us to hear what everyone says and try to answer things as well. I really should get our forum going, and start using some of you guys as moderators.


  2. how many weapons will there be? In the video, the guy found a pitchfork laying near the wall, will there also be hidden/comical weapons? I want to whack a thief with a Rubber Behemoth Chicken!

  3. I’m sorry for all the questions, but one more thing.
    In the first level you see the four knights dancing, if you start a new game with a different character, will they have specific dances as well?
    Oh and nice work on the so anticipated in depth game, I’m proud to have followed such a well updated blog!

  4. Emil

    What was the release date after cert for alien hominid and how long after you left cert was it?

    Also I appriciate you answering my questions very much. And are you guys near the end of cert? Have you started your zbr phase?

  5. Can’t really elaborate on specific with the whole process… sorry!!!!!!!!

    I appreciate all of the questions, and support !!


  6. Zbr is zero bug release.

    :[ I’m sorry emil can you say if you guys if it is looking good and soon to be done?

  7. Yeah it’s looking great! Can’t really comment on when it might be released or anything. But everything is going smoothly.


  8. Cool, I really am looking forward to the next Blog at least, wanna see something to anticipate! Like the Pitchfork stats! ya!

  9. Emil!

    Please send my best to the entire team, CC is as close to gaming perfection as it gets, you guys know EXACTLY what you’re doing.

    Every time I think I have CC pegged for features, you guys are ALWAYS unleashing more! I can’t believe it, you will get HUGE praise for this game, I hope you have a big celebration planned. 🙂

    And now, for some questions:

    1) Someone asked before, didn’t see it answered, sorry 😡 Is there a CPR equivalent for Solo mode?

    2) When you level up and get your points to spend, when do you get to spend them? If you’re playing on-line, are all players paused waiting for points to be spent, or, how does that work?

    3) Mounts! We know this game has totally awesome mounts. As far as I can tell, there’s that deer level where you are running away from some giant monster. Are mounts restricted to specific game areas, or can you obtain the mount pet and use it whenever?

    I wish I could be at Comic-con! Have fun!

  10. hey sto0z i no only of your second question…..
    at the end of the level stat points are used, the second part is what i would think is a maybe

  11. @stooz:

    1) sort of. you can carry potions that get automatically used when you run out of health, bringing you back to life.

    2) experience is applied after the level is finished, so there is a brief moment where everyone applies points and you can see that person navigating the menu to do so and talk to them about it. it is a straight-forward enough system that no one will be sitting on that screen for any long period of time 🙂

    3) mounts are in specific stretches of land. we did this because they can cause a lot of design issues if you bring one through the entire journey with you, ultimately spoiling the experience. despite those things i’m pleased with the mount distribution and i think you will be too!

  12. awesome… I got another few questions for leveling up.

    When you get stat points from leveling, how many do you get per level? is it a set amount (like 1, or 5 a la Diablo), or is it more like D&D where you get more points with each level? I think you said each character has a separate level, and I was also wondering if it was possible to pay an NPC to reallocate your points, or some other way in case you didn’t like the build you started making with your character, since some people would hate having to re-level up a guy they don’t like as much.

    Last question, do stats have a max number to cap at? like strength and defense cannot exceed 50 points in it or something like that?

  13. I have to say, that the little gray knight giving his buddy CPR is pretty sad. Everything else looks great.

  14. in the video it showed the orange knight pick up the pitch fork and drop the axe. does that mean u can only pick up one weapon at a time?? im confused cause i remember u can store all your wepons inside a giant frog or something?

  15. Wow! I only found out about this game but a few days ago, actually from GameInformer. Sadly its Xbox 360 only. Good part is I’m going to buy a 360 for this game. Not halo, mass effect, or portal, but castle crashers. This just looks too different then any of the rpg or shooters on the market. Good job guys. ill probably end up checking out AH on Xbox arcade.

    P.S. part of me hopes it comes out after the 2nd so i can get my xbox first. Part of me wants it out before so i can d/l it as soon as i get hooked up.

  16. This is the closest thing we have to Guardian Heroes.
    I love the few Beat em Up RPG games that exist.

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