E3 2008 and Comic-Con

Our friends over at Gamespot had a chance to check out Castle Crashers yesterday for the first “official” day of E3 2008. They only had enough time to make it through part of the first level, but hey it’s better than nothing.

Some things to point out from the video, that some of you might have questions on:

  • Experience is based on the number of times you actually hit the enemy.
  • CPR — When you’re in a local or multiplayer match and one of your friends gets killed you can go over their body and perform CPR to revive them, and yes it’s pretty awesome.
  • When you level up your character you receive stat points that can go into the four main attributes of the game: Strength, Magic, Defense, Agility. In addition this you unlock more melee combos as you progress to higher levels.

In other news, we have Comic-Con coming up next week and we’re all going pretty crazy trying to get everything ready for the show. It’s going to be a pretty crazy time as our booth keeps getting more intricate and amazing every year. If you’re in the San Diego area on July 24th-27th please come by the San Diego Convention Center and visit us at Booth# 5029. We’ll have Tom Fulp, and Dan Paladin there providing free hugs, seriously just ask they love that stuff.


101 thoughts on “E3 2008 and Comic-Con”

  1. Emil

    the reason I asked was I found a olddddd video where dan said he wasn’t going to give release dates anymore because he didn’t wanna disapoint the fans. So thas why I asked. <3 you emil

  2. It’s true though…. There are so many factors involved to get a release date that it becomes much easier to just wait until your 150% certain. <3 you back !


  3. Doesn’t the guys playing know about the magic attacks? Lame… but the game looks awesome! Me and my three friends are so pumped up to play this! Orange knight is my favourite!

  4. Wouldn\’t it be cool to play against Tom and Dan (the characters in the intro, not the living human versions) in the game. I bet you can unlock them as the last playable characters 😉

    What would their magic be like?


    It looks amazing, now I just gotta find some friends that can peel themselves away from Civilization Revolution to play this.

  6. dans magic should be summoning. like he should start growing and it should pencil in a character 🙂

  7. The CPR bit is absolutely genius.

    And take your time with the release date. But we’re expecting a TV commercial..

  8. lol wish ppl would stop askin for a release date, if the behemoth knew theyd say something, they want the game to be released just as much as we do…or more.


    I am so glad I got a chance to play that demo you guys had setup PAX2007!! I wonder how much has changed, are you guys planning on being at PAX2008 with a new demo we could play!?!

  10. Ok, can’t wait any longer, I want this now. Looks like you guys did a great job!

    Also… you think gaming with a girl would be fun. But jeezus christ I almost muted the video because she was constantly asking retarded questions and the “look at me, I want this I want that” was GETTING ON MY NERVES

  11. I would so want a free hug…hmm…a way to get to America…nvm I can’t I’m in France that day…

  12. Good Lord that woman needed to talk alot less. \"Bring back our Princesses!\" \"NO! Hush thine mouth and fetch me a flagon of mead wench!\" heh heh j/k

    And why didn\’t any of them use magic? Silly buggers.


    Once you\’ve picked up a weapon can you swap them out inbetween levels? Or is the weapon you pick up your weapon untill you grab another? Because if I lost my double headed war-axe to a freaking pitch fork, I\’d be pissed.

    P.S. Love the character selection art, savage.

  13. This looks amazing! You guys deserve a pat on the back for a A+++ job on this game, the effort really shows.

  14. w00t wow nice job on the game!!!!!!!!! i love the new combo system! its a new level of button mashing!! i liked the intro as well…… high five ftw!!!!!

  15. Is there a way you could put that chick in the video in the game so we can shoot arrows at her face for a few hours?

    How the fuck did she get her job?
    What was her interview process?
    I am guessing a BJ and a friend who works for the company.

    How the hell could they not re-tape that, let alone have that chick represent anyone in the 1st place?

  16. lol you sexist basterd lol jkjk she was REALLY annoying…….. luckly the sounds off drills in the bathroom was more soothing then her….. if you watch there other videos, she laffs like a pig thats snoring inserted helium while shooting heroin. lol…… she should be a boss lol………
    she shoots out BLAHBLAHBLAHIMADUMMASSBLAHBLAHBLAH out of her dum mouth……..

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