Tournament of Champions Qualifying Round COMPLETE!

Greetings Earth people!

Congratulations to those who made it into the top 100 Weekly Ranked Arena leaderboards to qualify for the XBLA Tournament of Champions!!

We sent a freind request to all of you from a “TheBehemothTOC” gamertag, so be sure to accept that!  More information and full tournament rules can be found HERE. In order to register for the tournament you’ll have to go to that link and read and accept the Terms and Conditions by filling out the registration form at the bottom of the page. Remember, you’ll need your parent or guardian’s permission if you are under 18.

Here’s some good news for those who were CLOSE but not in the top 100. We’ll invite several beyond the top 100 (in the order they were ranked) to register as “alternates”. If some players fail to register, are disqualified as hackers/modders, or fail to show up on tournament day, you may be able to join in! There’s sure to be a handful or more so don’t give up hope if you were near to qualifying.

For those of you who did qualify, once again, accept those friend requests, register on the linked page, and get your characters and yourselves prepped and ready for February 5th! (If you qualified, but KNOW you won’t be able to participate on Tournament day, let us know so we can give your spot to an alternate. We’ll still hook you up with a prize)

