It’s time to head back to Boston for PAX East 2024! That’s right, this chicken has once again decided to fly cross-country to bring you the best gift of all – wacky co-op video games!
This March 21-24, you can find us at Booth #16061 in the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center from 10:00am-6:00pm daily.
“Why should I go all the way to Boston to meet a chicken?”
That’s a great question. Well, we created these super special arcade cabinets just for you to have a heightened experience when playing our games at shows like PAX East. And you get to say hi to us, which makes us pretty happy! What’s the opposite of a double-edged sword?
Here’s the games coming alllll the way to Boston with us:
Castle Crashers
Back Off Barbarian
Alien Hominid Invasion
Alien Hominid HD
And wait.. there’s more?! I hear talks of BattleBlock Theater making an appearance at a trade show for the first time in five years. We’ve dusted it off just a little, so why not come try it out at PAX East? 😉
On top of the games, we’ll have exclusive merch, daily competitions, and general silliness in the booth all weekend long. Stay tuned for more info, and we can’t wait to see you soon!