Today I post a new animation of a new monster concept for the new Game #3!
(this animation runs proper speed in FireFox)
This monster is territorial and resembles a raccoon or stag of sorts (Perhaps a distant relative of the Weapons Frog?). Being built as a predator this monster comes equipped with sharp teeth and hind claws. It also comes equipped with a mild case of narcolepsy – so the hunts must remain brief.
Nothing else is known about this monster at this time.
I’ve bounced around a couple names for this guy, but, does anyone out there want to take a stab at it?
I’d call it Caracoon. As in a mix between a caribou and a racoon
Lol i think
Rakantlah is a quite cool name…
racoon + antlers (^_^) whoomp
sorry for replying to Castle_crashing Gurus … lol ,
misclick ftw !
I say it should be the “Crazy Coon of DEATH”. Feel free to add a “The” in front of “Crazy” if you think it sounds better.
I like Cariboon and Caracoon. If not though, I think it could be something maybe “cute” and ironic.
If not that either though…how about Mohican? Mohican just sounds awesome.
A fuzzwuzzly or a coose! 😀
NO. A horder. ;P
*stab stab
It should be called a Snarf.
…Or maybe Snuggles.
How about Fluffy?
No, wait! It’s name should be… Mr. Snarf-Snarf!
It’s a play off rabbid and racoon.
But why not make a list since I bothered to register.
Coonalope (racoon and antelope, also reminisent of jackalope)
Racoonabou (racoon with just a hint of caribou)
Rabicoonalope (we got rabbid, racoon, and antelope all together there)
Guys, I think the obvious name here is Dave. Sure looks like a Dave to me.
frogoon. before getting captured the weapons frog was a wife to a racoon. they got freaky and made that thing.
I’ve been calling it the GuardCoon =)
Racoon + Narcolepsy = NarKoon
he seems like a “Loaky” to me.
I think bob would go very well on that innocent , harmless cat …
That’s a “Bearcoon” if I ever saw one.
Isn’t it obvious? It’s a Procyon Cervidae if I’ve ever seen one!
God I love wikipedia…
Common names is Rantaloon (sure, why not?).
Grizzlycoon, Nightbear.
Now I’m digging “Rabicoon” too…
Snooze + Moose = Snoose
Tanuki + Moose = Moosuki
Snooze + Tanuki= Snoozuki
Please tell us information about castle crashers DLC please please.. I cant wait for more like necro or any other information it would be lots of fun to have new playable characters and new weapons and pets i hope i guys your still making them!! Please tell us more information.. I mean i love the new game 3 but really would love to see more information regrading DLC for Castle crashers again!!
Jackoon. If a hare with antlers is a Jackalope, then a racoon with antlers is a Jackoon.
I think you need to step back and look at what it is. Ok, it’s a raccoon, has horns, and what appears to be a wide-eyed, drug-induced, love lust for the doughy adventurer.
It must be a Horny Tanookie.