It’s been the spookiest of times, it’s been the artiest of times. And it’s been an absolutely incredible return to hosting contests here at The Behemoth!
We are so grateful to every single person who entered a masterpiece into our Behemoth Halloween 2022 Art Contest, and to everyone in our Discord server providing some good Halloween discourse. There was an unearthly amount of aliens running around in their first ever Halloween costumes this year: some adorable, and some horrifying.
Also, the amount of talent that you all have hiding up your sleeve? I don’t have any Twix up my sleeve like that! (I ate all mine already on Halloween…)
Before we get to it, we wanted to let you know; due to the influx of costumed aliens pouring out of the sky and crash landing on Earth, we have decided to add some extra winners to all the categories, and some extra prizes. If we were able to, we would give each and every human who entered some sort of prize. Maybe we’ll send each alien with a briefcase of stickers to scatter as they land to Earth.
So without further ado…
Winners of the “Greatest Extraterrestrial Costume” Award:


Larry “Gareth”

Winners of the “Spooky Scary Alien” Award:



Winners of the “Silly Silly Alien” Award:



Since we had around 200 entries (yes, 200!), we decided to also honor some special mentions and send twenty contestants a lucky Chicken Keychain! Make sure to follow and keep up-to-date for future contests (and there will be future contests!) Thank you so much to everybody for submitting their out-of-this-world works of art. You are why We Make Games!
And the special mentions go out to (in no particular order)…
- _dog
- SirCrumbsAlot
- WariN
- @s_zenmode
- EyepodNation
- Kwepsi
- Serpent
- rebuK
- Brokenarms_
- MaskeDnix497
- @Tlamat_Art
- Normal Human Earth Pig
- Dreamgiver, submitting for daughter ChaosPotato
- TimeSweepersecret
- @Ruben_SR_
- @mewtiplexer
- Sthespookybeebee
- Melat0nin
If you wish to view the gallery of submissions and feast your eyes on the special mentions, please visit our Discord, or search #BehemothHalloween on Twitter to see our Twitter entries!
For the winners, please be on the lookout for a message from The Chicken (or Churkey) on either Twitter or Discord (depending on how you entered) for instructions on how to claim your prize!
Until next time, spooky aliens.